Can't store peptides in fridge. Cooler in room instead, thoughts?


New member
This is a stupid problem to have.... but it is a problem none-the-less. I have roommates who wouldn't understand or appreciate me storing my peptides in their fridge/freezer. I'm only buying about 2 months worth of peptides at a time and only reconsistuting about 2 weeks worth at a time. I'm thinking about putting them in a freezer ziplock then storing them in a cooler full of ice in my room. It's easy enough to keep the cooler topped off with ice every day without any questions, and it's not a community space like the fridge. And before anyone starts... I'm not looking for a moral lecture on being honest with my roommates. We all have those people in our lives that 100% don't understand anything we do to stay in shape, and villainize any supplement without knowing anything about it. This is the easiest way to avoid their shit. Just curious if there is any reason this would be bad for my peptides?
We have an old house and only have one outlet in my room, so roommates are already bent about the level of electronics I have in my room. I had considered that option unfortunately lol
Thanks for the super helpful advice. Lemme quick look for a new apartment. shouldn't be difficult right Lol? In a perfect world I would live on my own... But right now I have to deal with them. As for extension cord, that won't fly.
Then the smart thing is to not use peptides until you have access to refrigeration. You would be wasting money.
I don't see any reason why a cooler with ice wouldn't work if you're willing to keep up with the hassle.
had an idea.... roommates understand creatine/protein powder, but don't know a whole lot about it. gonna tell my pain in the ass roommate that I bought some in bulk and it stays better if it's in the fridge/freezer. stash them in the powder. problem solved.