Carb cycling - cutting


New member
Hi all,

First of all hi and hello to everyone. This is my first post so please go easy on me :-)

I have a small question regarding carb cycling and cutting. I noticed it's very popular (next to KETO, which I have tried last year but didnt really enjoy) and was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to approach this.

I have never done carb cycling before so want to get it right. Done KETO last year which worked well, but was way too difficult for me, didn't really enjoy it much, so thought of trying carb cycling this time. I let myself go recently and really want to get back my body fat to as low as i can.

Im 180lbs and about 20%BF (although im not too sure if my body fat measurements are super accurate as i used calipers- booked myself for bod pod test).

With regards to my diet. I am currently doing:

1. High Carb (C330g, P200g, F54g)
2. Low Carb (C140g, P240g, F60g)
3. Low Carb (C140g, P240g, F60g)
4. No Carb (C<20g, P250g, F60g)
- repeat

so that calculates to aprox:
high carb- 2600kcal
low carb- 2165kcal
no carb- 1660kcal

I do my weights training as per usual but ive started including cardio first thing in the morning (aprox 45mins after my breakfast).

- I'm doing 25mins of HIIT cardio (4x a week) and 1x 45moderate cardio.

When it comes to sups:
- bcaa
- 80% whey protein,
- omega 3 fats,
- multivitamines,
- green tea + caffeine pills
- clen

I would really appreciate if you could comment on it (i am not entirely sure if fats in my no low/carb day are right), so go easy on me!

thanks in advance!
mac :naughty:
The Fats look good, I might add a fish gel 3 x day break lunch dinner.
Probably need a better understanding of the food your eating though.
What are your goals? do you want to slim down and lean out or put on muscle?
How often do you weight train? I would do the HIIT on the off days from weights and the moderate 30 to 45 min MHR 75 to 80% on weight days.
The Fats look good, I might add a fish gel 3 x day break lunch dinner.
Probably need a better understanding of the food your eating though.
What are your goals? do you want to slim down and lean out or put on muscle?
How often do you weight train? I would do the HIIT on the off days from weights and the moderate 30 to 45 min MHR 75 to 80% on weight days.

hi there,

thanks for replying. my goal is to get my body fat to about 8% before i start bulking again. so its all about getting lean.

i do take 1000mg omega 3 fish oild and 1000mg cod liver oil 3 times a day.

with regards to food:
1. eat aprox 5 times a day
2. carsb: lots of veg (Brussels sprouts, peas, broccoli), brown rice, whole wheat bread.
3. protein: eggs, chicken, beef, tuna/salmon, cottage cheese, whey protein
4. fats: olive oil, almonds, natural peanut butter.

when it comes to weights:
mon. chest
tue. back
wen. shoulders
thur. legs (although i swaped it for HIIT)
fri. Biceps/triceps/forearms
sat. OFF
sun. OFF (HIIT)

should i do 45min moderate cardio first thing in the morning on my weights days and do HIIT on thursday, saturday and sunday or should i keep saturday as my off day?

also, another question wit regards to the actual cycle. should i stick to 1high carb day and 3-4 low carb days (instead of no-carb day), or should i include the no-carb day in the cycle?

thanks in advance!
Ur supposed to keep your calories at the same level unleas ur not working out. Ur fats go up to replace tue calories of the carbs u reduced.
Ur supposed to keep your calories at the same level unleas ur not working out. Ur fats go up to replace tue calories of the carbs u reduced.

that on its own wouldn't create kcal deficit- if i kept my kcal at the same level, would it? 2600kcal is my maintenance intake and i thought you are supposed to do 10-20% below the maintenance level to start cutting?
why is this difficult??

find your maint caloric level and drop 500 calories from that..

have each day be at that same level..

so if your maint is 2600 calories, shoot for 2100 calories... where you have to remove carbs add fats to replace.. isn't that a caloric deficit??
why is this difficult??

find your maint caloric level and drop 500 calories from that..

have each day be at that same level..

so if your maint is 2600 calories, shoot for 2100 calories... where you have to remove carbs add fats to replace.. isn't that a caloric deficit??

sorry, i thought you were saying that i should stick to 2600kcal, lower my carbs and increase the fat intake.

should i have any NO carb days, or is having 3-4 low carb days enough?

this is what im thinking of doing on the low carb day:

100g carbs - 400 kcal
250g protein - 1000 kcal
80g fat - 720 kcal

total: 2120 kcal (so 480kcal deficit).

any good?

sorry, i thought you were saying that i should stick to 2600kcal, lower my carbs and increase the fat intake.

should i have any NO carb days, or is having 3-4 low carb days enough?

this is what im thinking of doing on the low carb day:

100g carbs - 400 kcal
250g protein - 1000 kcal
80g fat - 720 kcal

total: 2120 kcal (so 480kcal deficit).

any good?


thats the thing about carb cycling.. there are multiple ways of doing it..

you could do 300 200 100, u could do 300 50 >20.. there are many ways.. u should experiment..

what you have set up is not bad in any way shape or form..

only thing i can recommend is that you split that 100g up between just your pre and post workout nutrition...

the other issue is a matter of food choice...

i dont follow that "if it fits your macros" bit..

there are certain foods at certain times that will do wonders for you if you set everything up correctly...

carb cycling is one of my fav ways to cut, my clients love it too, they have great success with it..

hope this answered your questions... good luck to you! enjoy ology!