Carb cycling for dummies?


New member
I was wondering if people could chime in on this subject. There are people on this forum, like myself. That are looking to get knowledge of the subject of carb cycling. I have a jist of how it goes, but I seen you can do it multiple ways. I know its nothing special compared to a normal diet, but some people claim it helped them better for fat loss. So can anyone that knows this subject chim in, with a copypaste or a website? I've read online a bit, but each website is different explaining.
I was wondering if people could chime in on this subject. There are people on this forum, like myself. That are looking to get knowledge of the subject of carb cycling. I have a jist of how it goes, but I seen you can do it multiple ways. I know its nothing special compared to a normal diet, but some people claim it helped them better for fat loss. So can anyone that knows this subject chim in, with a copypaste or a website? I've read online a bit, but each website is different explaining.

Carb cycling done.correctly is scheduled in sync with your*workout routine/split...
I don't have any link to a website or anything...
But basic outline is high carb days on major body part workouts (chest and leg days).
Moderate to low carb days on smaller body parts (shoulders and arms)
And low to zero on off days...
And when carbs.drop, fats increase.

Carb cycling can be hard to keep up's best to get a nutritionist to help you out with it.
Contact 3J...I'm using him with his carb cycle before as well and so far its my favorite way to cut down. is located in the first sticky thread on the diet forum

Best diet investment I've made brother
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Yeah I just do the normal 4 day split chest/tri, back/bi, legs, shoulders. When u carb cycled did you feel that was better then just a plain normal diet? Also since cutting does more protein help maintain more muscle? Would you do 1.5g x BW or just plain 1 x BW.
Yeah I just do the normal 4 day split chest/tri, back/bi, legs, shoulders. When u carb cycled did you feel that was better then just a plain normal diet? Also since cutting does more protein help maintain more muscle? Would you do 1.5g x BW or just plain 1 x BW.

I think it worked better for me but everyone is different...some people are carb sensitive, and then some can scarf down carbs and see no difference.
It's a hell of a lot better than keto (zero carb)
And not sure about the protein ratio...I've had 3J doing my diet work...I apply what he sends me and we change according to progress...
yes if your interested in my services email me at

carb cycling is an advanced form of dieting.. and works well for most... some people do not react well to it but its rare