New member
30 yrs 175 lbs 5'11 11-12% bf
Im working on a carb cycling diet for myself for a clean bulk. Im currently on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at 210mg e5d
My question is what would be the preferred high med low day break down
I plan on keeping the protein at 40% unless thats too high
So high 40p/35c/25f
Med 40p/25c/35f
Low 40p/10c/50f
I work out at least 5 days a week. Sometimes 6 depending how my body feels.
My low days would be cardio or rest days
Any input or advice is welcome.
Im working on a carb cycling diet for myself for a clean bulk. Im currently on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at 210mg e5d
My question is what would be the preferred high med low day break down
I plan on keeping the protein at 40% unless thats too high
So high 40p/35c/25f
Med 40p/25c/35f
Low 40p/10c/50f
I work out at least 5 days a week. Sometimes 6 depending how my body feels.
My low days would be cardio or rest days
Any input or advice is welcome.