Carb loading morning or night?

In the evening(5:30 pm), so I carb load in the morning up till my lunch. After lunch i lay off the carbs. Is that ok?
To put on some lean muscle (5-10lbs). I intake about 250 grams of protein a day. I weigh about 178lbs
Honestly I want to put on the weight, but I do understand to bulk up some times you gotta put on some fat then cut down. I am really interested in getting into competitions though. I used to do power lifting competitions in the military. Won a few division competitions, but I really want to get into the whole competitive body building aspect.
I'd consume carbs before lifting. I read a study a while back that showed no increased protein synthesis with carbs + protein post workout compared to just protein. Plus you'd want the energy to lift intensely. Carbs are best eaten before a workout IMO. Even if carb sensitivity is better after a workout you will lose some of that stored glycogen before your next workout. But if you're trying to gain weight, just eat a shitload of carbs (within reason of course) all day long. No reason to pick specific times.
I'd consume carbs before lifting. I read a study a while back that showed no increased protein synthesis with carbs + protein post workout compared to just protein. Plus you'd want the energy to lift intensely. Carbs are best eaten before a workout IMO. Even if carb sensitivity is better after a workout you will lose some of that stored glycogen before your next workout. But if you're trying to gain weight, just eat a shitload of carbs (within reason of course) all day long. No reason to pick specific times.

That's bc carbs don't affect muscle protein synthesis. The reason for having carbs in your system before, during, or after training is to prevent protein breakdown. Protein stimulates protein synthesis but does not change protein breakdown. Carbs on the other hand prevent protein breakdown but don't affect protein synthesis. To gain muscle you need protein synthesis to be greater than protein breakdown. You can choose to enhance protein synthesis by taking protein (before during or after or any combo bc meals take 4-6hrs to digest), stop protein breakdown by taking carbs (before during or after again), or do both which would be the most effective. Here's a great article on the topic.

Muscle Growth and Post-Workout Nutrition | BodyRecomposition - The Home of Lyle McDonald
If you want to put on the pounds eat the carbs in the evening.

bad advice... shown that eating carbs before bed (except in post workout situations) lowers gh production overnight..

stuff your face the first 5 meals of the day with carbs.. there is no "loading" with a heavy bulk.. meals 1-5 should be high carbs 80g at least.. up to 100g based on your need imo
Honestly, just hit up 3J, he is the go to man when it comes to dieting. He can have you in the best shape of your life!!!!
I try to eat the majority of my carbs in the morning meals and postworkout. Don't like eating a lot of carbs before bed because in the morning I feel sluggish and can't get a good meal in for breakfast.