Carbohydrates are the DEVIL


I am banned!
Actually,, the devil is nothing more then the symbolic representation of the persecuting and accusing power of the Law of God (Torah) against the Jewish people,, it (the devil) was destroyed along with the accusing power of the Torah (613 mitzvot) in 70 AD with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem by fire and the passing away of the age (ie.., end of the world,, great apocalypse)..

Anyhow,, thats a different topic.. so obviously carbohydrates can't be the devil cause there is no longer a devil,, but Carbohydrates come in a close second,, heck,, wasn't it a Carbohydrate that was the down fall of humanity when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden carbohydrate (fruit) ;)

ok seriously though -- I was hijacking another thread in the steroid forum about carbs,, so I figured I'd take it to its own thread.

would like to discuss the Goods and Bads with carbohydrates -- I'll play out the bads

- Carbohydrates are the one macro that is not needed to sustain life -- fats and proteins are needed to sustain life,, without them you die.. therefore carbs are not a life sustaining food

- Carbs are the one macro that CAUSE fat retention and obesity specifically and directly.. Carbs spike insulin levels and insulin is the only hormone able to fuel fat cells..
note: I say directly,, because Protein can also be used for fat,, the body indirectly can convert amino acids into glucose and thus bring up insulin levels so the body can store some fat.

- Carbs are converted to Glucose,, blood sugar.. high blood sugar is bad and can kill you,, this is why the body spikes insulin levels after consuming carbs,, it needs that insulin to hurry up and get that glucose out of the blood stream.. why does the body do this,, cause carbs are evil and bad ;)

- Carbs are converted to glucose,, cancer cells thrive on glucose

- Carbs are converted to glucose,, high glucose levels can cause a number of diseases,, diabetes, heart disease, alzheimers, dimensia, etc..

- Carbs contain gluten (and no its not just grain and wheat),, gluten , and other carbs,, cause the lining of the intestines to expand,, once expanded, toxins and bacteria in your intestines (which they are trying to dispel) are then leaking into your bodies blood stream.. the result is you become inflamed and toxic and your immune system is compromised,, you then get sick often and are now prone to 130 auto immune diseases..

-- ^^^ so, Carbs causes AIDs,, (not hiv silly),, auto immune disease

- Carbs screw up your brains natural ability to monitor appetite,, so people end up over eating because the carb is stimulating appetite un-naturally

- Carbs like different grains and wheat can be converted to fat, fat is essential for life, by animals like cows,, it cannot be done by humans,, Cows have four stomachs and chew their cud, we do not.. these carbs are on earth for animal consumption,, not man's

- Carbs are the one food group responsible for all of modern societies diseases *

* there is an island near Australia,, the british discovered the island,, the inhabitants of the island were all healthy fit and thriving,, the food consisted of fish, wild boar, and coconuts (coconut oil is 98% saturated fat).. after some time the British began trading with these people and introduced them to carbohydrates (grains, wheat, corn etc.),, these carbs became part of the Islanders diet,, after some time the Islanders began getting all the same sicknesses and diseases that the British would have, and most became less fit and fatter just like the Brits were.. Carbs killed the islanders,,, told you carbs are the devil

this is enough Carb bashing for a first post,, I'll add in some more negatives later

note: I'm not trying to demonize carbs,, carbs are not inherently evil,, neither are guns,, its a personal choice what you eat and put into your body,, carbs are cool if thats your thing,, so are steroids,, if fat lines of cocaine are your thing,, fine, do as you please. But if the US Govt and dept of health instructed masses of people to do lines of cocaine for their health,, I would have a problem with that recommendation,, just as I do them instructing masses of people to consume mainly carbs and grains and wheat and fruit as ones main source of nutrition,, basically high carb low fat.. that is wrong, imo..
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I think modertion amd activity levels are to be considered. Look at the asian culture carbs breakfast lunchband dinner and they are way healthier than us. They also walk alot and eat good like fish. Im seeingbhow great keto is now but its temporary just to get me lean but not a way i want to eat forever. I love fruit I don't think its bad for you key is moderation.
I think modertion amd activity levels are to be considered. Look at the asian culture carbs breakfast lunchband dinner and they are way healthier than us. They also walk alot and eat good like fish. Im seeingbhow great keto is now but its temporary just to get me lean but not a way i want to eat forever. I love fruit I don't think its bad for you key is moderation.

the average american lives to 78,, the average asian (thats a broad number of countries) lives to 76.. its kinda a myth the asians are healthier then other parts of the world..

BUT Japan may be what you are thinking about,, they live and average to 84,, they eat plenty of fish (fats), raw fish, sushi wraps, and vegetables.. quite a bit different then the chinese pork and rice. or the phillipines chicken and rice.

I agree on moderation.. but the US government is not telling us to eat in moderation,, they recommend a majority of our calories come from carbs (thats NOT moderation).. I'm sure the grain, corn, and wheat industry likes that government policy. Hmmm I wonder if the people involved in the making of that policy had ties to that industry,, my guess, yes

so,, the grain industries wins.. and big phrama wins for having to come up with drugs to treat all these diseases due to the govt recommended diet
Ya our government and food is shit.... i guess i was thinking about obesity and ya probably japan i dont know the difference lol
After reading and reading I pretty much knew most of what you wrote but you put everything in one article and kept it simple and it really rang home! Nice post!
Ya our government and food is shit.... i guess i was thinking about obesity and ya probably japan i dont know the difference lol

Dont get me started! Everyone thinks Im a conspiracy theorist. The bottom line is big industry greases the palm so well they can get senators to push their agendas no problem. This is one of the most corrupt features of our govt. Of course they will argue that they are pro business , as in keeping industry thriving and keeping jobs going but they convieniently forget that over the last 30-40 years its their policies that have seen millions of jobs disappear overseas.

Govt is worse than carbs

But I have to say that American govt is still capable of being better as long as people stay involved but at this time less than half the population is truly involved in the democratic process.
Roush: you have been eating a low/no carb diet for less than two weeks. I have been pretty much eating less than 20g of carbs daily for over 6 months. Come talk to us about carbs after 4 months without them. No cheating. Let's see how you feel about carbs then. I think you may gain some enlightenment along the way.

Even better, go off carbs for the 4 months and then add them back into your diet slowly over a week. You will see how AMAZING they make you feel. Like Superman. Then we can discuss the virtues of carbs.
Roush: you have been eating a low/no carb diet for less than two weeks. I have been pretty much eating less than 20g of carbs daily for over 6 months. Come talk to us about carbs after 4 months without them. No cheating. Let's see how you feel about carbs then. I think you may gain some enlightenment along the way.

Even better, go off carbs for the 4 months and then add them back into your diet slowly over a week. You will see how AMAZING they make you feel. Like Superman. Then we can discuss the virtues of carbs.

Is keto a life style? My plan was get lean then bring them back in moderation or even cycle carbs.
Is keto a life style? My plan was get lean then bring them back in moderation or even cycle carbs.

For me it is a temporary tool to lower body fat. No way I would want to be on such an extreme diet the rest of my life. You cannot perform at a high level without carbs. You always feel tired in ketosis.
For me it is a temporary tool to lower body fat. No way I would want to be on such an extreme diet the rest of my life. You cannot perform at a high level without carbs. You always feel tired in ketosis.

Ya my strength is way down i dont care this is simply to cut bf.... i feel good well did i gave myself healthy carbs yesterday and im back on starting over. I'm amazed how fast weight drips in scale i know it's water but makes me feel alot healthier and bp is normal again
Is keto a life style? My plan was get lean then bring them back in moderation or even cycle carbs.

I plan on going back to keto when not bulking personally. However, it should be noted that I'm a diabetic, and being insulin resistant is what makes ketogenic diets so appealing to me. It can be done for what I consider long-term as I was on it for two years when Atkins first started, but I agree with Mega - carbs do make life easier.

Moderation is definitely important in life, and that certainly applies here. I also do suggest folks actually take the time to read what Zilla posted twice now. He's absolutely right in that there are pros and cons to each. I just happen to be a prime candidate for ketogenic dieting because my pancreas is a bitch. :p

My .02c :)
Roush: you have been eating a low/no carb diet for less than two weeks. I have been pretty much eating less than 20g of carbs daily for over 6 months. Come talk to us about carbs after 4 months without them. No cheating. Let's see how you feel about carbs then. I think you may gain some enlightenment along the way.

Even better, go off carbs for the 4 months and then add them back into your diet slowly over a week. You will see how AMAZING they make you feel. Like Superman. Then we can discuss the virtues of carbs.

Lol,, yeah I know.. I'm going off on a tangent,, just having fun with it, you know to get a response outta people . Just self entertainment,, just liking going on body building dot com forum and telling everyone how great steroids are,, just to get a kick.

Can't wait for the in laws to come over for dinner and we serve up a big plate of fat
note: I'm not trying to demonize carbs

But they ARE the devil right? :p I love carbs as much as a good discussion so... here are my thoughts on the subject :)

would like to discuss the Goods and Bads with carbohydrates -- I'll play out the bads

- Carbohydrates are the one macro that is not needed to sustain life -- fats and proteins are needed to sustain life,, without them you die.. therefore carbs are not a life sustaining food.

They are actually needed to sustain life (glucose at the least,) it's just not essential to get them from dietary means as the body can produce it in sufficient amounts.

- Carbs are the one macro that CAUSE fat retention and obesity specifically and directly.. Carbs spike insulin levels and insulin is the only hormone able to fuel fat cells..
note: I say directly,, because Protein can also be used for fat,, the body indirectly can convert amino acids into glucose and thus bring up insulin levels so the body can store some fat.

Protein raises insulin too? Protein is pertty much never used for fat either btw. I believe there is a pathway that exists for it but it's almost never ever used (extreme circumstances aside.) You can also get fat on zero carbs so I'd personally hesitate to call it the one macro to cause fat retention. Also, insulin is not the only hormone that stimulates fat storage.

- Carbs are converted to Glucose,, blood sugar.. high blood sugar is bad and can kill you,, this is why the body spikes insulin levels after consuming carbs,, it needs that insulin to hurry up and get that glucose out of the blood stream.. why does the body do this,, cause carbs are evil and bad ;)

Literally every compound in your blood has high & low parameters the body needs to sustain.. take any compounds blood level and raise it too far it will be bad for you and kill you eventually.

- Carbs are converted to glucose,, cancer cells thrive on glucose

All cells thrive on glucose. And all can function on ATP derived from other sources (fatty acids for example.)

- Carbs screw up your brains natural ability to monitor appetite,, so people end up over eating because the carb is stimulating appetite un-naturally

I don't know about this one. Insulin is one of the signals which tells your brain you are fed. If your talking about sugar cravings that's a different story... and is not a result of eating carbs so much as eating too much of a certain type of carb.

- Carbs are converted to glucose,, high glucose levels can cause a number of diseases,, diabetes, heart disease, alzheimers, dimensia, etc..
- Carbs contain gluten (and no its not just grain and wheat),, gluten , and other carbs,, cause the lining of the intestines to expand,, once expanded, toxins and bacteria in your intestines (which they are trying to dispel) are then leaking into your bodies blood stream.. the result is you become inflamed and toxic and your immune system is compromised,, you then get sick often and are now prone to 130 auto immune diseases..
-- ^^^ so, Carbs causes AIDs,, (not hiv silly),, auto immune disease
- Carbs like different grains and wheat can be converted to fat, fat is essential for life, by animals like cows,, it cannot be done by humans,, Cows have four stomachs and chew their cud, we do not.. these carbs are on earth for animal consumption,, not man's
- Carbs are the one food group responsible for all of modern societies diseases *
* there is an island near Australia,, the british discovered the island,, the inhabitants of the island were all healthy fit and thriving,, the food consisted of fish, wild boar, and coconuts (coconut oil is 98% saturated fat).. after some time the British began trading with these people and introduced them to carbohydrates (grains, wheat, corn etc.),, these carbs became part of the Islanders diet,, after some time the Islanders began getting all the same sicknesses and diseases that the British would have, and most became less fit and fatter just like the Brits were.. Carbs killed the islanders,,, told you carbs are the devil

I don't know enough about the rest to even try to discuss it. Hopefully this thread will bring out some great info... in particular your disease comments, I'd be interested to know how much truth there is there.
I plan on going back to keto when not bulking personally. However, it should be noted that I'm a diabetic, and being insulin resistant is what makes ketogenic diets so appealing to me. It can be done for what I consider long-term as I was on it for two years when Atkins first started, but I agree with Mega - carbs do make life easier.

Moderation is definitely important in life, and that certainly applies here. I also do suggest folks actually take the time to read what Zilla posted twice now. He's absolutely right in that there are pros and cons to each. I just happen to be a prime candidate for ketogenic dieting because my pancreas is a bitch. :p

My .02c :)

So is keto good for say my parents ? They are diabetic my dad is type one mom is still diet controlled. My dads health is not good he lost 2 stents recently and needs to be aggressive in his diet. No they are not on tren
So is keto good for say my parents ? They are diabetic my dad is type one mom is still diet controlled. My dads health is not good he lost 2 stents recently and needs to be aggressive in his diet. No they are not on tren

This guy has been in ketosis for 13 years,, he Says you can bulk or cut in ketosis

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Indont think you can get too big on keto. I recently saw a dennis james video he said recently he found keto to be the best for cutting like before he makes a appearance. Then he go's back to his normal diet

If I was a body builder and gonna step on stage,, I would definitely carb up before the show,, carbs and injecting a bunch of insulin ..

Of course doing so I'd be going into it knowing the health issues,, just weigh the risk vs rewards like everything else..

Heck If the Devil , ie Carbs,, Is gonna help me win a show,, sure thing I'll sell my soul to the devil ;)
If I was a body builder and gonna step on stage,, I would definitely carb up before the show,, carbs and injecting a bunch of insulin ..

Of course doing so I'd be going into it knowing the health issues,, just weigh the risk vs rewards like everything else..

Heck If the Devil , ie Carbs,, Is gonna help me win a show,, sure thing I'll sell my soul to the devil ;)

Pretty sure they dont cut with carbs they pretty much starve and use dieretics to show the anatomy chart so to say (Me attempting to sound smart)
So is keto good for say my parents ? They are diabetic my dad is type one mom is still diet controlled. My dads health is not good he lost 2 stents recently and needs to be aggressive in his diet. No they are not on tren

Absolutely. Or even just reducing carbohydrate intake alone will help with their blood sugar.
I've been limiting carbs to 80-100 grams a day (usually lunch) for about 1.5 months now, still lifting as heavy as before and look noticeably leaner.