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Hello guys, I was thinking lately about my diet and I got couple questions, I d really appreciate if anyone could answer them.

1, According to article I read there is no difference between calories from carbs and protein for your body ( talking only about caloriers), so if my maintance is around 2 700 kcal, lets say I eat 2200 (250 g carbs. 200 g protein and low fat) , there is 500 deficit. Now tell me is there any effect of the high carbs in fat loss?

I mean if I eat more protein less carbs, will my body use rather fat as a energy source over my muscle?
Is there any study on that?

thanks for aswers guys...

Sorry for my english :)
Im not sure if im understanding your question correctly but protein can convert to glucose via glucogenesis, so if you eat very low carb and very high protein most of the protein will convert to glucose.
There are difference between cals from carbs fat and protein, carbs and protein do both have 4 cal per g, but protein is more thermogenic so 250g of protein with 150g of carbs is different than 250g of carbs and 150g of protein, fat has the least thermogenic effect out of the 3 macos.
Im not sure if im understanding your question correctly but protein can convert to glucose via glucogenesis, so if you eat very low carb and very high protein most of the protein will convert to glucose.
There are difference between cals from carbs fat and protein, carbs and protein do both have 4 cal per g, but protein is more thermogenic so 250g of protein with 150g of carbs is different than 250g of carbs and 150g of protein, fat has the least thermogenic effect out of the 3 macos.

Gluconeogenesis only happens under extreme conditions such as starvation, not really applicable to this scenario. You're right that protein is more thermogenic than either carbs or fat but since the total thermogenic effect of food is around 10% of total volume, the difference in a 3000calorie diet of mixed macros will be around 300calories total. If we're talking about the difference of only 100g of protein that difference is almost hardly worth obsessing over unless your doing contest prep.
If I understand your question correctly you're asking that if you have a deficit of 500calories will you still lose fat over muscle even thou you're eating 250g of carbs?

To ensure minimal muscle mass during at cut you want to eat at a deficit of total calories but keep your daily minimum intakes in macros. You want to hit a minimum of 1g/lb of BW in protein and ~.3-.4g/lb BW in fat. The remaining calories can come from any macros including carbs.

Now if you want to know if you'll burn more fat than muscle in your deficit if you up your protein intake, the answer is it depends. What's your protein requirements for the day (stats?)? If 200g of protein is enough for you than no there won't be a significant impact of fat loss. If that protein intake is not enough (like if you're a very lean 240lb guy) than yes you could benefit from upping protein intake.
Yep i get it thanks. So if I hit my protein [ 240 g] the rest of macros can come from anything as long as I ll be in deficit right? I ll still loose the same amount of fat no matter what the rest of food come from?... still 500 deficit...
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Yep i get it thanks. So if I hit my protein [ 240 g] the rest of macros can come from anything as long as I ll be in deficit right? I ll still loose the same amount of fat no matter what the rest of food come from?... still 500 deficit...

There's also a minimum of dietary fat you should intake as well. the results won't be 100% exactly the same but the differences will be negligible enough that you shouldn't worry about it until you're in the very low single digits bf % or contest prep. Maintaining protein and fat intake along with good weight training will spare your LBM durin a cut. That and a caloric deficit that isn't extreme
One last question, whats the role of the dietary fat in your body??

Thanks man :]
long stories everyone is telling here... just eat balanced diet. not 80% of one macro, 5% of another. all three have there benefits just eat a balance
One last question, whats the role of the dietary fat in your body??

Thanks man :]

Fat is what your body uses to not only make more hormones, but is necessary to aid with the balance of other body functions like skin/hair/etc. It also helps to keep you satiated in between meals. :)
One last question, whats the role of the dietary fat in your body??

Thanks man :]

Additional Functions Of Fat

Fat, in the form of structural body fat, provides important protection for the vital internal organs.
Fat is a fairly poor conductor of heat, body fat in the subcutaneous tissues (under the skin) acts as insulation, and tends to prevent loss of body heat.
Fats are required for brain structure.
Substances made from fats also provide the covering for nerves, and thereby allows nerves to carry the impulses necessary to function.
Fat provides the makeup of the walls of cells, the cell membranes, which are required to allow the passage in and out of essential chemicals.
Fats are part of the structure of the skin which literally holds us together. The skin is often overlooked as being important for existence, but consider what would happen if the skin were to ***8216;come apart***8217; like old fabric.
Fats are necessary for the production of hormones to regulate and initiate body activities.
Another function of dietary fats is the stimulation of the flow of bile, and the emptying of the gallbladder. Bile, which we will discuss if further detail as we go along, is important in the body***8217;s elimination of the waste products created by the normal breakdown of red blood cells. If the bile does not leave the gallbladder as it should, gallstones may form.
Fat is absolutely necessary for milk production in nursing mothers, and is required during pregnancy for the proper development of the child.
Fat is also necessary for the normal body development of children, once born.

The Functions Of Dietary Fat in the Body

They also serve as transporters or nutrients, help with absorption of fat soluble vitamins, and play an important role in hormone production.
Fat is what your body uses to not only make more hormones, but is necessary to aid with the balance of other body functions like skin/hair/etc. It also helps to keep you satiated in between meals. :)

As always you come in to save the day and steal my thunder :(. Lmao jk. halfwit is bringing the good info as always here!
As always you come in to save the day and steal my thunder :(. Lmao jk. halfwit is bringing the good info as always here!

No way brother, you presented a TON of great information - I just went off what was on the top of my head haha. I didn't know bile was dependent on fat, learn something new every day here. :D
I will admit I know what works best for me and that is a low carb/keto diet. I used to be able to eat a lot more carbs than I do now. But one diet that I know shreds me is a keto style of diet. If you are carb sensitive or have a gluten allergy, good luck losing weight if you are consuming too many carbs, even if they are healthier carbs. Looks like Doc and Halfwit nailed it for you but I just wanted to add that. If you are having a hard time losing the lbs, try a keto diet or modified carb cycle diet.
I will admit I know what works best for me and that is a low carb/keto diet. I used to be able to eat a lot more carbs than I do now. But one diet that I know shreds me is a keto style of diet. If you are carb sensitive or have a gluten allergy, good luck losing weight if you are consuming too many carbs, even if they are healthier carbs. Looks like Doc and Halfwit nailed it for you but I just wanted to add that. If you are having a hard time losing the lbs, try a keto diet or modified carb cycle diet.

Very good point Rip! If you do have allergies like gluten intolerant or sensitive to carbs, diabetic, etc a keto diet would be a great choice.
No way brother, you presented a TON of great information - I just went off what was on the top of my head haha. I didn't know bile was dependent on fat, learn something new every day here. :D

Just messing with you buddy! So long as the information presented is accurate and beneficial I could care less who it comes from (although I lean slightly towards hearing from your $.02) :D
I agree with rip, low carb/keto-like diet has worked best for me as far as trying to maintain a lower body fat percentage. However, from my experience, keto dieting makes me more sensitive to carbs when I do finally work them back into my diet. For that reason, I carb cycle adjusting my increments depending on my current goal. Just thought I would share another option.