Cardio PWO


New member
Cardio PWO on bulk

Is it ok to have slow digesting protein + carbs (chicken breast + wholemeal bread) 1 - 2 hours before cardio, perform cardio for 30 minutes, then 75g dextrose + 50g whey immediatly afterwards?

I mean do we even want to create an insulin spike PWO?
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Well for one you don't want dextrose after a cardio only session, you're just setting yourself up to get fat and actually do the opposite of what you're doing, which is cardio. You want dextrose after lifting only b/c lifting weights burns the glucose in your muslces so you want to replenish that after you lift. Cardio doesn't do this.

For the first part of your question. If you're doing cardio an hour after you eat that, then you're just burning up what you ate. Cardio is best done in the morning on an empty stomach, the second best time being after weights. If you can't do either one of them, then I would wait probably 3 hours after your last meal to do cardio b/c then your stomach should be empty for sure.
Whatever you would eat normally. Nothing special needed after cardio. Some people prefer to not have any carbs and only protein for the first meal after cardio. But thats all on the individual.
im not trying to loose fat, just maintain a healty heart, therefore I want to do my cardio fueled up so that im not in a catabolic state, therefore i will consume low gi carbs and protein 1 - 2 hours b4, perform cardio session, and probarbly still opt for the dextrose + whey PWO

Thanks for trying to help though
volatile said:
im not trying to loose fat, just maintain a healty heart, therefore I want to do my cardio fueled up so that im not in a catabolic state, therefore i will consume low gi carbs and protein 1 - 2 hours b4, perform cardio session, and probarbly still opt for the dextrose + whey PWO

Thanks for trying to help though
Just take some glutamine 30min-1hour before you do cardio so your body won't really break down any of your muscles.