CEE + DHEA + Tribulus + Nolvadex

Chicago Made

New member
What do you guys feel about this stack?

Do you think I even need the Nolvadex? I'm taking the Nolva because DHEA can convert into estrogen as well as testosterone.

I've got just a few questions:

I bought my Tamox from ology about a year ago and it's seperating in the bottle. Is it still good?

How much DHEA should one take? I'm up to 100mg now. I started at 25mg and worked my way up in about a week or so.

I bought Bulgarian Trib and have no idea how many mg's I should be taking to see effects (not open for debate on whether it "works" or doesn't), can anyone help me there? I figured in the store that I'd ask here and get a straight answer. I'm a big guy, so keep that in mind (6' 4", 264pds).

All feedback is appreciated.

bingo_soothes said:
What do you guys feel about this stack?

Do you think I even need the Nolvadex? I'm taking the Nolva because DHEA can convert into estrogen as well as testosterone.

I've got just a few questions:

I bought my Tamox from ology about a year ago and it's seperating in the bottle. Is it still good?

How much DHEA should one take? I'm up to 100mg now. I started at 25mg and worked my way up in about a week or so.

I bought Bulgarian Trib and have no idea how many mg's I should be taking to see effects (not open for debate on whether it "works" or doesn't), can anyone help me there? I figured in the store that I'd ask here and get a straight answer. I'm a big guy, so keep that in mind (6' 4", 264pds).

All feedback is appreciated.


What's up bro! I do a similar thing when off cycle just to keep things progressing, etc. with your size I'd work up to at least 200mg on the dhea. I'm nearly 200lbs and currently run 150mg daily. I wouldn't bother w/the Nolva.. I really don't think you need it..IMO You could try AF's AIFM if you feel elevated estro. That might be a perfect fit for what your doing. I never felt trib worked for me and some guys have reported lower test levels while on it. It's still a shady supp but if you plan on running it, I started at 2gms daily and went up to 3gms daily.
Hey Jay,

Yah, I haven't been on the board in a bit. All this Holiday crap... Not to mention the tearing of my ACL.

Thanks for the advice, bro! Hey, my Trib says 750mg/each, how many should I take?

Yah, I know Trib works some and not others, but I've never tried it so I figured why not.

So no Nolva, huh. From all the research I've done on DHEA it say's it can turn into estrogen. DO NOT want that... :thumbsdow

I just bumped up to 125 DHEA. What pace did you go at to get to your 150 a day? I've been on it for approx 2 weeks, give or take.
Suareezay said:
tribulus makes sheep act funny.

:goof: LOL.. Yep! Remember reading a study about that.. where they tested it on sheep and they showed possible signs of increased libido/desire to mate.
bingo_soothes said:
Hey Jay,

Yah, I haven't been on the board in a bit. All this Holiday crap... Not to mention the tearing of my ACL.

Thanks for the advice, bro! Hey, my Trib says 750mg/each, how many should I take?

Yah, I know Trib works some and not others, but I've never tried it so I figured why not.

So no Nolva, huh. From all the research I've done on DHEA it say's it can turn into estrogen. DO NOT want that... :thumbsdow

I just bumped up to 125 DHEA. What pace did you go at to get to your 150 a day? I've been on it for approx 2 weeks, give or take.

Hey! Ya, I know the feeling about the holidays. I get my routine all thrown out of whack!..lol. Sorry to hear about your ACL!! That really effects ya.
On the trib, I'd go w/2 750mg's (1.5gms) twice daily. Thats your 3gms. No real sides effects to worry about there.
Ya, the DHEA is tricky.. In my opinion is doesn't cause enough estro worry about but it's your call and you can usually feel excess estro (i.e. bloat, water retention, sore nips, etc.). I was just thinking the Nolva might be alittle too much for the small amount of excess estro you might get from DHEA. Mine are by Mason Vitamins and got em at the local grocery store. Thier good quality, low price.
JayC said:
:goof: LOL.. Yep! Remember reading a study about that.. where they tested it on sheep and they showed possible signs of increased libido/desire to mate.

I can always count on JayC to know what im talking about.

The studies im referring to though were focused on neurological and liver problems in sheep who grazed on it.
One thing I have noticed, and I've NEVER noticed this with any supp claiming it, is that my mood is better and I have more energy, especially in the AM.

Yah, Jay, I tore my ACL, spent the Holidays alone and my old man just past not to long ago. '07 wasn't very kind to me, to say the least.
bingo_soothes said:
One thing I have noticed, and I've NEVER noticed this with any supp claiming it, is that my mood is better and I have more energy, especially in the AM.

Yah, Jay, I tore my ACL, spent the Holidays alone and my old man just past not to long ago. '07 wasn't very kind to me, to say the least.

Sorry to hear that my friend. I sure hope '08 is a better year for you.
Yep, it's nice to see another DHEA advocate :) I think for those that can benefit, they see the results right away. I know I do.