Cellulitis after injection


New member
I have been preparing competition. so, I need to get cutting steroids. after research I bought ultrabol 150. This monday, injected into my quad and next day my quad is swollen,redness,fever extremely painful. I can't walk properly. I went to doctor and was advised its an infection called cellulitis and prescribe some more in pill form to take home. if the redness spreads and fever or other signs go back to doctor will be inject IV antibiotics. i never inject ultralbol again never.
pick me pick me !!!!

9'er only uses tren anyway

seasoning, enemas, brushes his fucking teeth with it

ill inject that ultrabol, let you know if it was the gear or not

seriously though..

sucks you're dealing with this issue, would suggest reviewing your clean needle technique the day of the injection where you experienced the swelling and fever the following day..

most likely, was something either on your skin or a mistake or accident that occurred during the injection that caused you to have this experience.

i really doubt it was the gear

you can help speed recovery by massaging the swollen area towards your trunk ( distill to proximal )

can aid in lymphatic flow/drainage, and increased circulation

both of those things are necessary for healing your issue

let us know if you remember anything about the injection itself that could have possibly caused this issue

and keep us posted on your recovery, how this turns out

if it really was the gear, people should be made aware

good luck friend.. chuck B
I'm certain infected ultrabol because I've injected other gear on the march before injection ultrabol.

I've used same clean syringe, alcohol swab. If you guys want ultrabol i will take it for free.
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I'm certain infected ultrabol because I've injected other gear on the march before injection ultrabol.

I've used same clean syringe, alcohol swab.

more commonly, the gear might also have an elevated alcohol content in order to keep the gear from crashing or becoming "infected"

this elevated alcohol content would cause the same kind of inflammation swelling and pain as the early symptoms of dirty gear

but these symptoms will resolve spontaneously within a few days without any antibiotics or medical attention, as the gear is absorbed into the body and the inflammation subsides without there being any foreign substances present for the bodies immune system to react/respond to

i really hope your bottle doesn't have any filth in it my friend, will mean a speedy full recovery for you without any complications or further health risks

would also mean you could cut the gear that has elevated alcohol levels with yet another compound to lower the overall alcohol content percentage - and be able to pin it without the inflammation coming back

you would draw up equal amounts of the ultrabol into a syringe with , say, testosterone that you know is good smooth gear that is pain free.. at half and half, you should reduce the overall percentage of the alcohol content to avoid any reaction - or at least reduce the reaction until it is tolerable and not severe at all.

if the inflammation response continues - you wold simply increase the amount of the smooth compound in relation to the one causing issue - so 1/3 ultrabol to 2/3 testosterone - and so on and so forth until the injection was pain free and no inflammation occurred

if there was betting on this, i would wager alcohol content vs dirty gear causing the issue

main thing, is your health

i hope this turns out ok for you man..

best wishes, Bronson
I got cellulitis from their test prop in my calf A few weeks ago. However I was on the last 3cc or so in the vial and had already injected the rest in other places the next injection in my lat also got really inflamed. Your vial prob got contaminated in some way shape or form like mine did in the process of previous injections. Not dirty gear. These things happen sometimes it's part of the game.