Changing cycle halfway through, help!


New member
I had the info posted here - - but figured this may get more insight with a new thread as the original was for a different purpose.

Short story is first cycle was to be 250mg Omna and 100mg Test-e once a week, 8 weeks. I did my 5th injection this past Sunday. Gains are not what I expected, pretty much what I would get with this training and diet natty. Diet and training are bang on (been working out since teens, I'm early 30's now). I purposely went low dose, 'ala the "300mg of test for 1st cycle" thread.

As it seems as I need a bit more, I was going to start doing omna twice a week or e3d as is usually recommend, and drop the test-e, for 5 more weeks for a total length of 10 weeks. I DO realize that changing it up mid-cycle is NOT something you normally want to do, however I don't want to 'waste' this cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) either on the small amount of gains that I have seen.


1-8 250mg Omna, 100mg Test-e /week

Change to:
1-4 250mg Omna ,100mg Test-e /week
<-- this is where I am now
5-10 250mg Omna twice week or e3d

This would bring the total test (if you can look at Omna like that) from 350mg/week to 500mg a week. Any thoughts on that? I'm not sure if I want to keep the Test-e in there, as that would fire it up to 700mg of Test a week.

thanks for any insight. And oh yeah, if I'm gonna do the 2nd weekly injection of the Omna, its gonna be tommorow feedback would be nice :)

thanks a bunch guys
swoleasstexan said:
well why would you drop the test e? i would bump it up myself

Simply because I would be going from 350mg total test a week to 500mg.. keeping the test-e would make it 700 (with consideration to different esters involved). Being my first cycle it seems as though the general consensus around here would be that 700mg is slightly excessive.

But I'm just asking, I'm the newb :) ... (although I've lurked/researched here for a couple years before I ever registered and posted)
Just bump the dosages up a little, eat more protein, eat more complex carbs, and train with intensity.

Many guys don't notice a benefit from Test E until about week 5 and the decanoate ester in that sustanon is an even longer ester.
ufc3 said:
Simply because I would be going from 350mg total test a week to 500mg.. keeping the test-e would make it 700 (with consideration to different esters involved). Being my first cycle it seems as though the general consensus around here would be that 700mg is slightly excessive.

But I'm just asking, I'm the newb :) ... (although I've lurked/researched here for a couple years before I ever registered and posted)

My first cycle was very much like yours. But I used sustanon. I started at one amp a week then went to two and everything was fine so I bumped it to Mon, Wed, Fri, for 750 mg a week and added tri tren. That was a great cycle. Don't be afraid to bump the test to 700. You'll like it I promise. You might even want to throw in a few weeks of dbol at 20 to 40 mg per day. Only do the dbol for two to three weeks but that should be enough to give you the feeling that you are superman.
ArkRoyal: i guess you're right. i started (my first cycle) at 300mgs/wk, and then after couple weeks i bumped it to 500mg. gains are steady, but nothing impressive - i would say it's close to what i could do au naturelle ;) so i think about bumping up dosage.
what was the difference between yours 500 and 750 mgs/wk strength/mass wise?

and the rest of you guys - do you advocate going to 600-700mgs test/week for a first-timer? i'm not newbie in training and diet and quite heavy at the moment (~240lbs).

ufc: i'm not trying to hijack your thread, our situation looks pretty similar ;)
mranak said:
Just bump the dosages up a little, eat more protein, eat more complex carbs, and train with intensity.

Many guys don't notice a benefit from Test E until about week 5 and the decanoate ester in that sustanon is an even longer ester.

I guess that could be part of it then... I was expecting a good kick after the 3rd week.. Thanks everyone for your posts. Not sure if I wanna keep the Test-e for a 700mg/week total, but I'll definitely up the the Omna to 500mg a week in 2 doses..