Chantix while on cycle?


I am banned!
So I have been a smoker for over 8 years now, atleast a pack a day. I really want to quit. I have tried about 6 times and never made it longer than a week. I have some friends that were in the same boat and chantix helped them quit.

I am currently taking test prop 700mg/wk, dbol 30mg ed, aromasin 12.5mg ed. I finish my cycle at the end of january and then I will do the standard nolva/clomid pct.

My question is, I dont know shit about chantix, except that it causes you to have suicidle thoughts, vivid dreams, and nausea.

Would any of the ingrediants of chantix have any effect with my cycle?

Thanks guys.
Hey Dude,

First congrats on wanting to quit smoking, thats the hardest part. I quit smoke 2 years ago this month by using Champix. To be honest, the side-effects are different per person.... I had no suicidal thoughts, vivid dreams. I had slight naseau when i took the morning pill but i realized that if i ate first, then took it with lots of water.. the naseau didnt hit hard or at all. Keep that tip in mind.

It blocks the nicotine receptors, and you start on a lower dosage in the first script. It allievates the physical addiction, then you just gotta kill the mental part and break the habbit. For me, I didnt even need the full script, i stopped smoking after the first package because man, after about 2 weeks... you start tasting the smokes more and more, like when you first started smoking.. and you just get disgusted by the smokes lol.

I can't see any reason to not take it on cycle, but hopefully others can comment on that... i just wanted to share my advice/experience and say congrats.... once you hit the 'quitting deadline'... its hard for the first day, push past that, the second day is better and the 3rd your laughing! From there, its clear sailing... like i said, i didnt even finish the second package.

Good luck man... this shit works
You could also log your quitting here to for some encouragement, and to track the amount of smokes your having... be a mental boost to see the number you have decreasing quick!

I went on Chantix about 7 years ago and quit for good. It's a great product. No suicidal thoughts, nice vivid dreams of chicks, and as above I took it with food and plenty of water. Try it, you will quit. My brother and my friend also went on it and quit. As for your cycle, no problem IMO.
Pharmacist's advice (not mine but someone close by) be careful of overlapping side effects. So if you are prone to any of the listed side effects of the Chantix while on cycle then you could likely increase the intensity and/or likelihood of those side effects.
That being said the pharmacist saw no obvious reason to avoid mixing the two. Keep us posted of any issues (or lack there of) with this combo.
^thanks for the info, the girl I have been seeing has her doctorets in pharmacy. She basically told me the exact same thing. She doesnt know I am on cycle. But does know I am quitting smoking. She knew all about chantix. I dont really have and underlying depression or anything like that.
I think Ill give it a shot.
Honestly I used nicoderm cq and it helped me quit...cigarettes didnt even taste good with the patch on...going on 4 weeks now and its still working with no side affects other than being a little jittery the first week or so
Chantix + Hostility

Hello I am new here to the forums. I was searching into my behavior struggles as of late due to chantix.

I also just recently started taking Qvar which is a very weak lung steroid inhaler.

I've noticed two things. My aggression is way off the charts. It was already bad personality trait of mine I had under control for 10 years now. It feels like I did in my early 20s. Quick draw with my hostility is back.

So here is some feedback from my observations. I am no pharmacists. I was only a Medic. Still I think I can evaluate my symptoms just fine.

My only advise is constantly be on alert for your aggression since you are cycling.

I do know for sure by asking my Dr. that Chantix will amplify feelings such as Anxiety, Depression, and Aggression.

You suffer from these 3 at all prior to chantix? Then its highly likely you have to take an extra effort to mentally check yourself.

For now I have no punched the popcorn mouth breather next to me in theaters...or the half pants off the ass punk who blocks my path even after an excuse me.

come damn close to firing off some elbows though.... I have to keep saying "You don't want to go to jail..its the chantix" in my head.

Just feedback folks... If anyone else agrees with this assessment on hostility, please post.

I take martial arts 2 times a week and practice at home... it helps a bit. I can't imagine if I didn't have an outlet. I probably be on the news for breaking arms of punks in the mall.
Ok.... I have to jump in here. I've been off cigarettes for 7 years thanks to Chantix. I haven't even put a cigarette to my lips in the last 7 years. I have no desire to do so. The drug works. If you're ready to take Chantix... It's truely "your time to quit." You'll know what I mean when you get there. That being said, Chantix is one of the hardest drugs I've ever taken. It totally screwed up my digestive system--- progressive and intollerable constipation! I had to stop at week 11. But the worst of it occurs 6 weeks after you STOP taking Chantix! As the drug exited my brain, I became a paranoid, jittery, anxiety ridden mess. I couldn't handle anything new or unfamiliar. All I could do for this period was go to work and sit at home. Please plan for this. Quitting smoking is the next right step for you. It's really so important that I will say that doing this should be considered as important to you as any AAS cycle. Please treat it as it's
own cycle. Do it between cycles, after PCT, when you're totally clean. Wait another 8-12 weeks to totally clean out your system and lungs. (you'll be amazed at how much better you can breath) Then, celebrate in true Ology style with a great cycle as a new man with a new lease on life!
My husband and I both smoked about 1 and half packs a day and wanted to stop for our children. We began taking Chantix and smoked for the first week. We haven't smoked since then. The worst side effects we have had is some nausea right after taking the pill and some trouble sleeping. Its not the save all pill as it still requires will power, but it helps more than nothing. When you are ready to quit the medication will help but you really have to want it. Find out chantix reviews here
I went from a pack a day to quit in 2 months of Champix, despite the insane dreams you will have, and the occasional suicidal thought, in the long scheme of things, you're better off taking Champix, I would be weary on cycle though as it can have some weird side effects, I took Champix twice, first time I quit for two years, then relapsed for 6 months, then took it for another 2 months and quit cold turkey again, its been 2 years in a week from now. As long as you take even half a pill, it will help you in ways you will not believe.
Champix is originally designed as an anti depressant, similiar to zyban used to be. I dont think much info about interactions with aas has been documented. I used em on cycle but its not sth I think Pfizer would advise. Simply cause ur hormones will be up and down especially on pct phase that champix could interfere with the hormone side of it and the mental side of it. Its a good thing though, it definitely works to stop smoking, but its pretty rough on some people, aside from being really irritable i didn't have any issues but my brother had quite a few without being on cycle. So maybe wait until u are done and dusted with the cigarettes first. An endo could probably tell u straight away if its yay or nay
Champix is originally designed as an anti depressant, similiar to zyban used to be. I dont think much info about interactions with aas has been documented. I used em on cycle but its not sth I think Pfizer would advise. Simply cause ur hormones will be up and down especially on pct phase that champix could interfere with the hormone side of it and the mental side of it. Its a good thing though, it definitely works to stop smoking, but its pretty rough on some people, aside from being really irritable i didn't have any issues but my brother had quite a few without being on cycle. So maybe wait until u are done and dusted with the cigarettes first. An endo could probably tell u straight away if its yay or nay

OP is long gone bro, this is an old thread lol. But for info's sake..

It should be fine to run on cycle, but I think your correct is saying avoiding it during PCT would be best. Believe it or not nicotine could potentially help recovery anyway, so I'd say quit after your cycle+pct. Use the time to cut back. I used champix a few years ago, had no bad sides. The vivid dreams were AWESOME. I would take it again purely for the dream effects lol.
Yeah mate, I should look at the dates ur right. Agree on the dreams its better than going to the movies and don't have to deal with the couple arguing the whole way through sitting next row back lol . Yep nicotine in studies has actually clinically shown to reduce the risk of depression and schizophrenia , so ur right no, not that smoking is ever good for anyone but I think ur spot on prob best to quit after pct . For general knowledge sake I guess
I love being a smoker. I'm the biggest guy at my gym, everyone walks out and sees me sittin there taking a drag like "wtf". lol

As far as chantix, I've heard it works but has some gnarly sides.
I love being a smoker. Biggest guy at my gym, everyone walks out and sees u sittin there taking a drag like "wtf". lol

As far as chantix, I've heard it works but has some gnarly sides.

Lol. I used to enjoy that too... but once you've quit for several months, the feeling of efficient oxygen intake is incredible haha. Work outs become better, pumps get better.. Obviously far healthier. I still smoke on occasion (big events, birthdays, vacations etc.) but never in day to day life anymore. Been about 5-6months since my last one.
Lol. I used to enjoy that too... but once you've quit for several months, the feeling of efficient oxygen intake is incredible haha. Work outs become better, pumps get better.. Obviously far healthier. I still smoke on occasion (big events, birthdays, vacations etc.) but never in day to day life anymore. Been about 5-6months since my last one.
yeah dude I actually enjoy it but I know the neg far out weighs the positive.