Chase injury recovery cycle

Workout is going very well. After week two I have started to 'recover' muscle mass in my leg fairly quickly. I can walk around without crutches as long as I have shoes with good ankle support but I have to remember not to carry a 45lb weight while walking :)

My physical therapist stated to me on Monday "hmmm...your leg seems to be returning to normal fairly quickly." which made me laugh.

Tell them I started taking "vitamins" They rock! LOL
Chest and Back day Bitches

12 Minutes Swim in cold ass water- there were tornadoes a bit north so I thought I might blow away
Alternating A1-A-2
A1-Wide Grip Pulldowns 4x8-12- **massive strength increase from last week. Still embarrassed to post weights but I went up about 30lbs easy
A2-Flat Bench 4x8-12 ** Same as above although the volume tires me out

Alternating B1-B2
B1-CG Supinated Lat Pulls 4x8-12** same as above
B2-Incline Press 4x8-12** could have went up 50lbs from the week prior

Alt. Dumbell Rows 4x 8-12 *cramped up so I stopped at three sets
Reverse Grip Bench 4x8-12 -- Trying to build up the inner chest but I don't have a smith machine and am lifting this free-weight. I keep the weight light enough so I don't drop it on my face.

Overall good day. I was so goddamn hungry for my second meal I ate two chicken breasts, a hamburger patty and two cups of rice then threw it up. Might have been all the hot sauce. I felt like the glutton on the movie "Seven
Other than that diet was pretty good.
I logged earlier that the Dbol has been kicked up to 45mg a day instead of 30 and it HAS affected my appetite. I only have two more weeks of it but I am looking forward to having some of the famed EQ appetite increase I keep hearing about. Sex drive is not as high as I would like either. Any advice to kick up the Test E a CC or so

My injury is healing up nicely and I am actually able to walk around without crutches and a neutral shoe. I am healing noticeably faster.
No Resistance Training on Wednesday
15 min on the bike
15 min sled squats

10 Min Swim

Will be posting weights from this point forward. Before laughing please remember that this was after 5 months of sitting on a couch injured and losing nearly 30lbs of muscle. I am starting VERY slow and working my way up with VERY controlled movements and HIGH volume. My focus is not to push a 400lb bench (yet :) but to slowly get back into shape.

Seated Behind-the-neck Barbell Military Press- 85lbs-- 12/10/8/8 *Went up about 20lbs with ease. Getting stronger * Thanks Z
Seated Bent Over Dumbbell/Plate Rear Flyes- 15lbs-- 12/12
Seated Barbell Military Press 85lbs --12/12/12/12
Seated Dumbbell/Plate Hammer Raises 30lbs--12/12/10/8
Single-Arm Dumbbell/Plate Lateral Raises--15lbs 12/12/12/12
Seated Barbell Upright Rows 75lbs 12/12/10/10

30 seconds rest between sets

Heart rate was 130 @ 60 seconds upon completion
Weighed in this morning at 195lbs

***Girth Measurements Thus Far***

Neck: 16in
Shoulders: 50 across
Chest :41
Bi-relaxed: 13.25
Belly: 37
Booty: 39
Thigh: 24L-23R
Calf: 15L-13.5R

Neck: 15.5-16
Shoulders: 51
Chest: 42
Belly: 37.5
Booty: 39-40
Thigh: 24L-23R
Calf: 15L-13.25R

Shoulders: 52
Chest 43.5
Bi Relaxed: 14
Belly: 36.75
Booty: 40
Thigh: 23.5R-24.5L
Calf: 15L-13.5R
You all are a big help. Motivation is key.
I am feeling great, eating great and even doing my cardio. And I fucking hate cardio

Just wait for the 4 week picss Bros
Feeling strong today. I knocked out that first 15 set of pullups like it was nothing!!

Alternate Set Set #1
Weight Reps
A1 - Supinated Pull-Ups b/w 15/9/9/9
A2 - Close-Grip Flat Barbell Bench Press 135 12/12/12/12
B1 - Weighted Bench Dips 45 12/12/12/12
B2 - Close-Grip Barbell Bicep Curls 65 12/12/8/8
C1 - EZ-Bar Skullcrushers 75 10/10/9/9
C2 - EZ Bar Bicep Curl 21s 45 21/21/20/20
D1 - Weighted Side Crunches 10lbs 10/10/10/10
D2 - Pikes (on bench) b/w
Girth Measurements

2/7/2012 3/21/2012 1-Apr 7-Apr
Neck 16in16 Neck:16 Neck:16 Neck:16
Shoulders:50 Shoulders:51 Shoulders52 Shoulders:52.5
Chest: 41 Chest:42 Chest:43.5 Chest:42
Bi-relaxed:13.25 Bi-relaxed:13.5 Bi-relaxed14 Bi-relaxed:14.25
Belly: 37 Belly:37.5 Belly36.75 Belly:38
Booty:39 Booty:40 Booty40 Booty:40.5
Thigh: 24L-23R Thigh:24L-23R Thigh23.5R-24.5L Thigh: 24L-24RR
Calf: 15L-13.5R Calf:15L-13.25R Calf14.75L-13.5R Calf: 15L-14R

Still need to shrink this belly a bit
Chest should be getting bigger but I am measuring myself and am loosing bodyfat as well as gaining muscle. I have been taking weekly pics as well and will post the initial pics as well as the most current pics @ week 4

Strength is getting a lot better and I will be moving up to some decent weight over the next few weeks after I am comfortable my joints can handle. REALLY feeling the Dbol but I am not really noticing too much from the EQ.

On that note- sex drive and appetite are not what I would like them to be.

Pre Workout swimming for 15 Min-medium intensity

Alternating Leg Ext-Single Leg (injured first) 40lbs 15/15/15/15
Leg Ext-double leg 110lbs 8/8/8/8

Alternating Leg Curl-Single leg 15lbs 15/15/15/15
Leg Curl- Double 45lbs 10/10/10/10

Weighted Crunches
35lbs 25/25/25/25

Hanging Stiff Leg raises

Overall up a lot of weight but my hamstrings are struggling.
I dropped the Dbol down to 30 from 45mg a day as I am suffering from lack of sexual interest as well as some ED. Also my appetite has taken a hit. I will continue at 30mg of Dbol for this last week (my 4th).

After the Dbol run ends I am hoping to see some increase in appetite from the EQ
Chest and Back day

20 Minutes Swim-
Alternating A1-A-2
A1-Wide Grip Pulldowns 4x8-12- 130lbs 12/12/12/10
A2-Flat Bench 4x8-12 165lbs 12/12/12/12

Alternating B1-B2
B1-CG Supinated Lat Pulls 110lbs 12/12/12/12
B2-Incline Press 4x8-12 115 12/12/12/10 -Burnt out
Alt. Dumbell Rows 4x 8-12 65 12/12/12/12
Reverse Grip Bench 4x8-12 135 10/10/10/10

All and all a good day. My waist is slimming up. Delts are beginning to 'cap' a bit and my chest is flattening out IE not as much chest fat. On day 1 you could tell I had a little gyno puffyness from an old cycle in my left pec but you cannot see it unless you know what you are looking for now.

Each set I could probably lift a little more but as long as I can continue to max out on reps OR increase weight by 10-15lbs each week I will be happy.
Had some travel interrupting my workout and diet- i will resume posting this weeks workout notes tonight