Cheat meal


New member
alright so ive been dieting hard for ages now and im over it i want to encorporate a cheat meal once a week . whens the best time to have this cheat meal . ive done a bit of research post work out ? few donuts :):):):):):):):):)) maybe a hershleys cookies and cream come at me rofl haha
stay away from the donuts and candy bars, they will do you no good even on a cheat meal, I follow a 2 week routine once every two weeks i have a cheat meal, Like a full hamburger, or a subway sub. or I add starches like potatoes. but if you really have to have that donut eat it but don't treat it as a reward, have one, i would do it prior to a workout to burn the simple sugars off.
What is your diet like? If you have been following a low carb diet then I would go with a refeed over a single cheat meal.
Hi roidsnme, 3J has me have a cheat meal once per week, no real limitations on time of day or type of food although if you want to be really strict he prefers it on leg day.
thanks every1 . eventually ill get enough money to get 3j to get me to were i wanna be . dudes is broke these days ! !
stay away from the donuts and candy bars, they will do you no good even on a cheat meal, I follow a 2 week routine once every two weeks i have a cheat meal, Like a full hamburger, or a subway sub. or I add starches like potatoes. but if you really have to have that donut eat it but don't treat it as a reward, have one, i would do it prior to a workout to burn the simple sugars off.

subway is your cheat meal? lol. subway is part of my diet. mondays wednesdays and fridays
oh i see, i get the buffalo chicken, foot long on wheat, with spinach, olives, peppers, pepper jack cheese. sometimes double meat, tons of protein and very healthy!
Well cheat meal can be anytime. Like they said. But it could be after a workout to replace your glycogen stores and the sugar will raise insulin levels just make sure you have your protein shake first x)

I like peanut butter and jelly on white bread after a workout with my shake. And about an hr later back to complex carbs and of course protein and fats!
Hi roidsnme, 3J has me have a cheat meal once per week, no real limitations on time of day or type of food although if you want to be really strict he prefers it on leg day.

A bit off topic, and I'm sorry if I'm hijacking the thread, but I'd be really interested to see how many hundreds of clients that 3J has brought on board since he began 3J's Nutritional Network? The dude is viral on just about every forum out there! Fuckin legend. I'm just very proud that he chose to advertise on the Maximus Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) website. Thx 3J!!