Getting ready to run a HDrol cycle, I've been trainging for over 2 years with solid diet and good gains(bout 45 pounds over those 2 years, yes I was like a flag pole). Ive taken one cycle of PH and it was a good boost.(Year ago) Been searching about HDrol and going to give it a six week run. My question is what PCT is needed for HDrol? Also know sure of the dosage Ive seen some people do 50/50/50/75/75/100 or even 50/50/75/75/100/100. Im not positive on a good dosgae to not overkill my system but def boost the gains. I have my diet in check for this cycle so that wont be a problem. Also loading 2 weeks proir Hawthorn Berries and Liver Support. Is there also a supp that a full cycle support that I can replace just specific liver support? Looking forward to this cycle! Thanks guys!