checkout my test e, tren a, dbol cycle


New member
whatsup guys, new to this forum and looking to get some feed back for my third cycle

23 y/o
200 lbs (started at 155lbs before first cycle)
13-15% bf
lifting for about 4 years

1st cycle- 500mg Test E per week for 12 weeks
2nd cycle- 500mg Test E (1-16) 50mg Dbol ED (1-4)

***Upcoming cycle starting aug 1st***
Weeks 1-16 Test E 500mg per week
Weeks 1-4 30mg Dbol ED
Weeks 5-13 Tren Ace 50mg ED

Arimidex 1mg EOD entire cycle

PCT: 1 week after last inject
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

I've done my research and i see a lot of discussion about test, tren dosages. People say they fight for the same receptors and since tren is 5x stronger, tren should be the higher dosage. Others say test should be higher because its the base and libido will not be killed. looking for some input on that.... I've decided to use dbol as a kick start to my test, as it worked for me in my second cycle. Or should i also do tren 1-8? i see this go a bunch of different ways, any input would be appreciated!
Your pct timing is way too easy! Kinda noobish considering you've done 2 cycles already. Your adex dose is a lil high to start with too. You sure you've done research??? Doesn't seem like you have any experience with gear...
Your pct timing is way too easy! Kinda noobish considering you've done 2 cycles already. Your adex dose is a lil high to start with too. You sure you've done research??? Doesn't seem like you have any experience with gear...

Pct is 2 weeks after last inject* dont know why i wrote one week. My adex i ran .5 ED my last cycles. My source didnt have .5 and gave me 1mg. So instead of telling me that im wrong, why dont you help me fix it? Thats why i posted this question on the forums...
Pct is 2 weeks after last inject* dont know why i wrote one week. My adex i ran .5 ED my last cycles. My source didnt have .5 and gave me 1mg. So instead of telling me that im wrong, why dont you help me fix it? Thats why i posted this question on the forums...

split the dose of dex to 0.25-0.5mg. is that not possible?
if not then rui has it for research and its easy to split up doses..
You're pretty young to be stacking on your 3rd cycle. Nothing against your maturity or experience, but your body is in a prime test producing age right now. When I was 23, just using mild-dose SERM's w/AI's would kick my T levels up to where I got great results.
Do you compete? Why do you need to be so cut as a 23 year old? I' m worried your reliance on the chems so early in life may lead to a bad result later.
Your liver can NOT handle a lifetime of stacking with d-bol, not to mention any other road you may go down.
Just saying bro.