Cheese & beer

I am 6'5 236lbs 13% bf ish....... and I love cheese n beer. I am not trying to b an underwear model or compete on stage but I would really like to b 8% bf.

My question to any and all that can see their 6 pack is , do u drink alcohole (I do once every week or two) and if so what do u drink (rum, vodka, wine, beer..miller lite)
Second question is dairy. Am I beat for abs with a love for dairy... especially good old white American cheese melted on everything.....damn why does it taste so good.

Thanks in advance for your replies.
With a diet high in cheese and beer you probably wont get to 8%, BUT you will enjoy some fucking cheese and delicious beer.

As far as alcohol when I go out I usually do vodka/water on ice. Then drink plenty of water with it. It's about the best thing in terms of watching empty calories
The beer I am way down on. But dairy is also going to b a problem..... that is what I figured ..... glad to make u laugh.

Go on the adkins diet and you can eat cheese galore with good protein and yummy fat. this diet worked for me.. Just dont leave out the fiber..
Guys, I swear I am not an alcoholic. I go out 1 time every week or two. I could see if I was going to 4 or 5% but is it really that crazy to hit 8%. Do u rreally need to b that strict
If you want those results you need Discipline.... Not Cheese & Beer. Try Cocaine instead & your abs will be nice !!!
If you want those results you need Discipline.... Not Cheese & Beer. Try Cocaine instead & your abs will be nice !!!

Lol...nice. meth n protein shakes for a couple weeks.
the beer is not a problem. Its dairy. I have heard bodybuilders cut dairy for shows.

Thats why i was asking.
All Joking aside , it depends on your metabolism. Dairy is not good for leaning out. I love dairy myself but i have to cut it from my diet while leaning out