Chocolate milk after workout

KingPen, I forgot to add in the other post that skeletal muscle is also more receptive to dietary protein intake after a workout, BUT it is more receptive for 24hours after a workout so you have a full day to get the benefits of PWO nutrition making it more like a garage door than a window in my opinion lol.

Interesting, I did not know the window was so large. I always heard it was somewhere between 3-5 hours.
Yes true depending on your training style you may or may not ( most people not) deplete your glycogen stores or close to it. I train for upwards of two hours extremely high volume and intensity so I would bet that I do deplete a lot, (and i know i do because feel very lethargic, my sweat always starts to have an extreme ammonia smell towards the end of my workout, and i tend to get shaky and on edge until i refuel my self) regardless of that, everyone is different. And I guess I don't have any evidence showing that replenishing your glycogen stores quickly PWO is any more beneficial than waiting hours or so, but for ME its what works the best :)

From a logical standpoint, isn't the best time to stoke a fire when its at a full blaze, rather than waiting until it dies down and try to get it going again? same concept with our metabolism... It just seems optimal in my eyes to take in calories when your body is kicked in overdrive and is able to break down and shuttle these nutrients to your depleted cells in an extremely quick manner. You may be correct about the lack of science behind this, I don't know I have never done any extensive research in the matter.

...but just because there may not be any science that shows eating when your metabolism is amped up is superior or not superior or makes no difference, I still personally believe it is the most optimal time to take in large amounts of calories.

I would agree, you deplete more glycogen than many but even endurance athletes don't need replenishment of glycogen stores immediately After an event unless they plan on competing again later in the same day. Endurance athletes also deplete more glycogen than any weightlifter would.

First off "stoking the metabolic fire" is a silly analogy. But after an intense weightlifting session, to use the analogy, the fire is stoked for 24hours post exercise, why concentrate on the time immediately lost exercise when the "window" is really 24hours long? Secondly you assume there are no nutrients in the body, there most certainly are. Post workout nutrition is unnecessary if you've had a pre workout meal or taken something intra-workout. A normal meal is still being absorbed 5-6hrs after consumption. So sure if you didn't eat in the 3-4 hrs before going to the gym AND had no shakes at the gym then yes post workout nutrition could benefit you. And thirdly, the body is ALWAYS efficient at extracting nutrients from food, unless you have some medical condition otherwise. You won't get anymore potassium out of a banana after training than you would before as a basic example.

And whether you believe it or not doesn't make it true or untrue, don't mean to come off dickish to you. The science behind use of AAS is pretty clear: it helps increase MPS, recovery and a host of other things, would you argue against that just bc you thought otherwise? I have never said NOT to eat after a workout, I've merely tried saying that if you already eat pre or intra workout post workout nutrition is not necessary. If you want to eat, eat if its convenient and fits into your needs but don't assume it's any better than not eating considering the whole picture. Also I don't see why you're so quick to write off science if it conflicts with your beliefs? That's the beauty of it, it's objective not subjective. We wouldn't be in this forum talking about AAS and nutrition if it weren't for science.
Interesting, I did not know the window was so large. I always heard it was somewhere between 3-5 hours.

No sir, the window is a pretty big "window" for sure. IMO the myth of the "window" is perpetuated by supplement companies and the people they sponsor. Who else benefits but them? When you tell someone they can maximize their gains by eating "In the anabolic window" and that window is a very small time period, what's the first thing you'd grab? My guess is protein shakes ;)
I would agree, you deplete more glycogen than many but even endurance athletes don't need replenishment of glycogen stores immediately After an event unless they plan on competing again later in the same day. Endurance athletes also deplete more glycogen than any weightlifter would.

First off "stoking the metabolic fire" is a silly analogy. But after an intense weightlifting session, to use the analogy, the fire is stoked for 24hours post exercise, why concentrate on the time immediately lost exercise when the "window" is really 24hours long? Secondly you assume there are no nutrients in the body, there most certainly are. Post workout nutrition is unnecessary if you've had a pre workout meal or taken something intra-workout. A normal meal is still being absorbed 5-6hrs after consumption. So sure if you didn't eat in the 3-4 hrs before going to the gym AND had no shakes at the gym then yes post workout nutrition could benefit you. And thirdly, the body is ALWAYS efficient at extracting nutrients from food, unless you have some medical condition otherwise. You won't get anymore potassium out of a banana after training than you would before as a basic example.

And whether you believe it or not doesn't make it true or untrue, don't mean to come off dickish to you. The science behind use of AAS is pretty clear: it helps increase MPS, recovery and a host of other things, would you argue against that just bc you thought otherwise? I have never said NOT to eat after a workout, I've merely tried saying that if you already eat pre or intra workout post workout nutrition is not necessary. If you want to eat, eat if its convenient and fits into your needs but don't assume it's any better than not eating considering the whole picture. Also I don't see why you're so quick to write off science if it conflicts with your beliefs? That's the beauty of it, it's objective not subjective. We wouldn't be in this forum talking about AAS and nutrition if it weren't for science.

I agree with everything above....

But for those of us who don't eat intra and eat 2.5 hours Pre workout (me) It seems that immediate post workout nutrition is crucial to get proteins and carbohydrates into your cells to start the recovery and growth process ASAP...thats what I believe. This may not even make a HUGE difference at all, but I simply like to maximize every little detail I can.
No sir, the window is a pretty big "window" for sure. IMO the myth of the "window" is perpetuated by supplement companies and the people they sponsor. Who else benefits but them? When you tell someone they can maximize their gains by eating "In the anabolic window" and that window is a very small time period, what's the first thing you'd grab? My guess is protein shakes ;)
I've never even referred it to the "window" until this thread...:spin:. and it absolutely is propaganda BS thrown out by supplement companies who are desperately trying to get every single penny they can from us.
I've never even referred it to the "window" until this thread...:spin:. and it absolutely is propaganda BS thrown out by supplement companies who are desperately trying to get every single penny they can from us.

Well and guys taking insulin after workouts lol
I agree with everything above....

But for those of us who don't eat intra and eat 2.5 hours Pre workout (me) It seems that immediate post workout nutrition is crucial to get proteins and carbohydrates into your cells to start the recovery and growth process ASAP...thats what I believe. This may not even make a HUGE difference at all, but I simply like to maximize every little detail I can.

Well if you eat 2.5hrs before training and train for 2 hours, you still have that meal being absorbed and digested but for peace if mind a meal after exercise will not hurt things of course if you fit it into your caloric needs of course. All I argue for is to look at the big picture and convenience brother. I don't want people getting OCD and thinking they'll lose muscle if they don't consume a protein shake post workout immediately. Nutrition timing should be based on CONVENIENCE first and foremost :)
Well if you eat 2.5hrs before training and train for 2 hours, you still have that meal being absorbed and digested but for peace if mind a meal after exercise will not hurt things of course if you fit it into your caloric needs of course. All I argue for is to look at the big picture and convenience brother. I don't want people getting OCD and thinking they'll lose muscle if they don't consume a protein shake post workout immediately. Nutrition timing should be based on CONVENIENCE first and foremost :)

The only meal timing i'm conernced with is my post workout meal :D...especially considering with my fucked work schedule I have to cram in my last 3 meals in about 2-3 hour time frame before i go to bed. talk about force feeding.
The only meal timing i'm conernced with is my post workout meal :D...especially considering with my fucked work schedule I have to cram in my last 3 meals in about 2-3 hour time frame before i go to bed. talk about force feeding.

I hear you there, some days I'm forced to eat 1500+ calories in a sitting so 2 or 3 meals tops! Best of luck to you with your cycle brother.
Well chocolate milk is a best nutrition drink after any workout because it gives energy and strength to the body. I also like to drink chocolate milk after every workout.
Well chocolate milk is a best nutrition drink after any workout because it gives energy and strength to the body. I also like to drink chocolate milk after every workout.

So is any source of fat, carbs, and protein for that matter...making it impossible to tell which is really best.
Hey guys. I know this is not the diet forum, but ive posted 2 seporate threads in that section and never get a response, so i thought i would ask the guys that are REALLY into muscle building. Anyway, heres my question:
Ive dedicated the last 5 years of my workouts toward fat loss and/or lean muscle building. For the past year, ive heard quite a bit of hype about chocolate milk after workouts due to your body craving the whey protein and sugars within the milk. Im quite vascular as it is and i really dont want to lose it. Im also in the progress of shredding the remaining fat off of my abs. The biggest people in the gym say that i will have no worries about the fatloss.
Is this true? What are your opinions?

If you are still in an overall deficit at the end of the day, then yes you will keep losing... but if you simply add it in addition to the rest of your intake and it pushes you back to maintenance, then you will maintain.

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