You've been sold on the "hydrolyzed" speech of the supplement companies I'm afraid. Chocolate is superior to BCCA as a PWO meal in every aspect besides convenience. All hydrolyzed means is its already broken down into aminos and smaller proteins but Contrary to popular belief protein response is not due to bioavailability alone. Koopman and colleagues showed that simply being a faster absorbing protein, hydrolyzed protein was not better at spiking muscle protein synthesis (MPS). In fact, whey was superior than hydrolyzed protein.
Ingestion of a protein hydrolysate is accompanied by an accelerated in vivo digestion and absorption rate when compared with its intact protein
And studies by Tang and Pennings showed whey to be twice as effective as casein, in both normal and hydrolyzed forms.
Ingestion of whey hydrolysate, casein, or soy protein isolate: effects on mixed muscle protein synthesis at rest and following resistance exercise in young men
Hydrolyzed is just another simple marketing gimmick my friend.
Also in regards to insulin, you make the mistake of assuming physiological doses of insulin are relatively anabolic to each other or that nutrition-mediated hormonal responses have anything but statistical significance (they don't, there is no clinical significance). In other words assuming that increasing insulin within physiological levels will have a clinical significance on anabolism. This is not the case, the difference of MPS when insulin levels change within physiological ranges remains the same. the only anabolic effects are noticed when going from physiological levels to supraphysiological levels via Slin/Humalog/etc or when going from clinically deficient levels to physiological levels which isnt the case here either, unless someone has untreated diabetes.
I suggest looking at the videos that Nosy Parker posted as Layne goes into great coverage about the insulin myth.