chromium picolinate


New member
Anyone here have experience with this? I have my own opinion, but I'd really like to know yours.

I understand what the studies on sedentary individuals and hamsters have produced, but does anyone have some first hand knowlege?
A close friend of mine just finished a period with chromium picolinate: nothing noticed, good or bad; he found it totally useless.
Well, you have to take more than is recommended. I wouldn't go lower than 1000mcg/day. However, I think picolinate has been implicated in some health issues and now it looks like it is safer to go with the polynicotinate version.
Thanks TX. I am over 300 lbs so I may have to go slightly higher. The difference between Picolinate and the other forms of chromium, is a higer absorbtion rate. Up to 5x better, if taken with Vitamin C. The other difference in Picolinate is an unsubstatiated, but percieved higher risk of DNA damage. Maybe so, maybe not???

I have seen figures attatched to football players (like myself) who used CP, and recorded 40% more muscle gain, and over 300% more fat loss, than other football players who did not train with the supplement. This study was conducted over a long period of time.

I guess the trick is to take enough, but not too much, seeing on how closely it effects your insulin levels.
If you are trying to find supplements to help fatloss, I think the anarchy stack is getting quite the reputation.

It's alcar, ala, green tea, and rhodiola in varying amounts. However, I think you can seriously go supplement crazy, so don't go overboard.

You might wanna ask Trevdog about the anarchy stack. He is taking it, or at least something like it, and loves it.
Actually, I am really not interested in losing much fat. I am in really good shape by lineman's standards, (55 inch chest, 40 inch waist. I'd guess around 18% bf) I am just looking for any advantage I can get when it comest to improving my strength before training camp in march. (short of using steroids, no offense)

You could basically call these anabolics, correct:

Are there any advantages/disadvantages of using the Mag-10, compared to steroids?