

On Vacation
Hey guys, I am getting ready to mix up my Cialis. I have plenty of PEG 400 and EC. Think this would work, or should I just use straight PEG? I was gonna buy some gylcerin (which I may later), but I want to see if what I have mixes fine. I don't mind the taste of ass like DougE. lol

I want to get it at 50mg/ml. So, for 20cc I would use 1g of Cialis and ~19ml of PEG400? Then just shake and go. Also, any ideas on some flavouring I could add to help with the taste. I think UK uses a blue food clouring in theirs. And his seperates so I am assuming that he uses a simliar deal.

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I hate the taste of ass. Peg is always gonna taste shitty, I dont think itl matter what you do to it, rather you should mix it with OJ or something before you take it. Either that or like gymmy said get some glycerin.
I am making it tonight with just PEG400. I'll let you know how it turns out. I may playaround with some flavoring from the grocery store if I find anything. It will seperate for sho, but it may better the taste.
Ok boys, well I made up my Cialis the other day in PEG 400 @ 50mg/ml. Dissolved once I shook it up. Looks kind of milky and you have to shake it up before you drink, but it definitely works like a champ.

FYI, 50mg is outta control.
grafix-gnc said:
glycerol shouldnt work with cialis, well, it didnt for me :(

yeah, i read that in one of your previous posts, so I went with the PEG. Still tastes like ass, but not a burning ass. lol
RJH, any sides with 50mg? I get a pounding headache, a stuffed up nose and a fresh delivery of lumber for 3 days straight. Its the headache that kills me, I have to back it off to 25mg to enjoy myself.
ya'll are just senile old rippin my jeans with wood everytime a fine ass goes by and im 100% natural!
DougoeFre5h said:
RJH, any sides with 50mg? I get a pounding headache, a stuffed up nose and a fresh delivery of lumber for 3 days straight. Its the headache that kills me, I have to back it off to 25mg to enjoy myself.

Well, i always get a little stuffy with any dose, but no headache if I pound water right afterwards!! Maybe just in my mind, but it works. I definitely like the extended woddy for 3 sometimes 4 days. But I only hit the 50mg if I know there is gonna be extra 'company'. lol
gymphreak said:
ya'll are just senile old rippin my jeans with wood everytime a fine ass goes by and im 100% natural!

I didn't hear Lyns complaining did you??? :cum:

Besides, give it ten years and see what the chems do to you then!! haha
gymphreak said:
ya'll are just senile old rippin my jeans with wood everytime a fine ass goes by and im 100% natural!

yeah we all natural on this site. me too me too me too
Its more sport than need. I have a few close friends who kinda mocked me for a while when I told em I take cialis. "You cant get it up hahaa". I gave each and every one of em a few caps, and now I have to fight the repeat business off with a bat.

Anyone given it to your chick yet? Im about to just to see what happens.
Ive given a girl half a viagra tab once...(i had a bunch of em for a series of pranks at a party) and she had the best orgasm ever...the viagra made her snatch sensitive as hell
I have given Madine a half tab (50mg) of Viagra once, not too much from it, but I don't like V anyway.

She does like Cialis tho, makes the 'little girl downstairs' flare up like a son of a bitch. Cums like a champ. Although, thats not usually an issue anyway b/c she likes Winstrol (winny) and EQ as well. hahah

DougE, I got the same shit from peeps about Cialis. Like, why the fuck are you taking that. Now I admit there have been some times when things were out of whack, but I could still go at it. Man, I just sold 10cc to my buddy, now everyone wants it and he wants more. Maybe I should get Cialis labels made!! lol
Mini Me said:
I have just ordered 5g of Cialis, does it suspend in Everclear or do I need PEG??



I used PEG. Settles a little but afte a quick shake, its all good. That's a shake of the vial, not your Johnson!!
Not to hijack this thread, but does anyone know why vardenafil is so much harder to find than cialis? Cialis works great but I get so stuffy that I can't really enjoy it very much. Levitra is much better in that regard but ever since I used up the small sample I had, I haven't been able to find it anymore...not for a reasonable price at least.