cjc-1295 and ghrp6 combo dosage


New member
just started using cjc-1295 and ghrp6 currrent dose im using is:
100mcg ghrp6 3x dailys mon-sun
50mcg cjc-1295 3x daily mon-sun

mainly using it for fat loss and to aid muscle repair and gowth with test.

i know 100mcg cjc would be better but i need to watch the penny's.

does anyone think this is a good dosage for fat loss. or could i use the cjc eod with a higher dose for better results?
The MOST I use is CJC-1295 100mcg/once daily and GHRP-6 100mcg/3xdaily. So I buy like one combo and 3 extra GHRP-6's lasting 20 days. I won't buy extra to store ahead of time either cuz peptides are very fragile and perishable. Very short shelf life, the fresher the better
CJC-1295 has a half life of 8 days. So no need to split pinnings.

CJC-1293 (cjc-1295 w/out dac) is what you want if you want to split doses.
You have to know what the difference is and pay attention when you order peptides. Some sources just say CJC-1295 WITH DAC or WithOUT DAC, CJC-1295 withOUT Drug Affinity Complex is CJC-1293, so it has a MUCH shorter half-life (like 7-30minutes) rendering it almost useless unless you dose it with GHRP both @ 3-5times daily.

You need a GHRP and CJC BOTH for 3months to effectively get noticeable GH results.
Juicy, have you ever taken CJC 1295 w/ DAC?

You have to know what the difference is and pay attention when you order peptides. Some sources just say CJC-1295 WITH DAC or WithOUT DAC, CJC-1295 withOUT Drug Affinity Complex is CJC-1293, so it has a MUCH shorter half-life (like 7-30minutes) rendering it almost useless unless you dose it with GHRP both @ 3-5times daily.

You need a GHRP and CJC BOTH for 3months to effectively get noticeable GH results.
Just started a similar peptide cycle, but with ipamorelin. How long does it take to actually "feel" or "see" something from these.

I am still pretty skeptical about these peptides making a difference but have hope and am going to put the effort in for at least 6 months. If any difference in skin or body fat is going to happen, you should be able to see something by then no?
Just started a similar peptide cycle, but with ipamorelin. How long does it take to actually "feel" or "see" something from these.

I am still pretty skeptical about these peptides making a difference but have hope and am going to put the effort in for at least 6 months. If any difference in skin or body fat is going to happen, you should be able to see something by then no?

i have started my peps back in december 2011,doing a combo of cjc1295 w/o dac and ghrp6 at 100mcg each 3 times daily,my starting weight was 87kg,the first thing i noticed was fat loss around waste and generally leaning out.added ostarine mid January and got to 92kg by today.generally more vascular and leaner,even abs are coming through,not doing any cardio at the moment.skeptic? yes i was,lots of divided opinions here to about it ,but for me it works like a charm
i have started my peps back in december 2011,doing a combo of cjc1295 w/o dac and ghrp6 at 100mcg each 3 times daily,my starting weight was 87kg,the first thing i noticed was fat loss around waste and generally leaning out.added ostarine mid January and got to 92kg by today.generally more vascular and leaner,even abs are coming through,not doing any cardio at the moment.skeptic? yes i was,lots of divided opinions here to about it ,but for me it works like a charm

Good to hear bro. Thanks for the insight. You can read and study as much as you want but real life experience is great to hear. How do you like ostarine? Any sides or anything negative?
Cjc with dac is not good for males because it causes a gh bleed, which is good for females but not good for males.
Good to hear bro. Thanks for the insight. You can read and study as much as you want but real life experience is great to hear. How do you like ostarine? Any sides or anything negative?

a part of being very lethargic the first couple of days i haven't noticed any sides yet.this is the second time im using it after last year around the same time.my strength is steadily going up although i am not trying to break any records,but i do for example 8 reps 120kg bench with the same ease(so to say) as i just do it with 100kg 1 month a go.
the lethargy was mainly due to straight going to 25mg a day instead of building it up over a week a guess,but as i said it disappeared after a couple of days.
i would recommend it if you are looking for a lean vascular look and some lean gains.
i have started my peps back in december 2011,doing a combo of cjc1295 w/o dac and ghrp6 at 100mcg each 3 times daily,my starting weight was 87kg,the first thing i noticed was fat loss around waste and generally leaning out.added ostarine mid January and got to 92kg by today.generally more vascular and leaner,even abs are coming through,not doing any cardio at the moment.skeptic? yes i was,lots of divided opinions here to about it ,but for me it works like a charm

Hey Man!

Sounds are good!
Which supplier use it?
Started back in Dec as well with GHRP2 and Mod GRF 1-29. 6'4", 315lbs, 19-20%bf, 33yo. As of right now I'm at 302 and leaner with little to no change in my diet. I preferred the GHRP2 because I read that GHRP6 increases appetite like crazy, and being off cycle I didn't want to balloon up with the extra calories. Dosage is 100mcg 3Xdaily, every week or so I'll take a day or two break to help desensitize. Love the peptides