CJC with DAC + Ipamorelin cycle


New member
Hello all,

I've been experimenting lots over the last year with peptides and sarms; I'm trying to find the perfect peptide or peptide/sarm combo that is as effective (or close to) juice. I've got a love hate relationship with juice, I'm sure all experienced users will know what I mean by that...

Ayways, Ive got lots of experience with IGF-1 but I want to now get into the GHRPs.
I had an idea and I want to know if anyone has either tried it or has the knowledge to back up its possible effectiveness.

What if I were to use CJC with Dac 1-2mg/week; this will give a constant release of GH from the pituitary. Now since we all know that GHRHs and GHRPs are synergistic, what if on top of the CJC w/ DAC I used ipamorelin 2-3x per day.
In theory I feel like this combo will give the benefit of constant elevated GH levels and also the benefit of pulses.

Whady'all think?
Thanks in advance for feedback, please limit the CJC w/DAC bashing if possible regarding gh bleed etc.
Because of your interest in GHRP (administered at high frequency), you may wish to consider using a cheaper GHRH in conjunction (namely mod GRF 1-29 or Sermorelin vs CJC-1295 DAC). Why risk using illegitimate CJC-1295 for minimal added convenience (which may also bloat you) when injecting ipamorelin/ghrp-6/ghrp-2/hexarelin 2-3x/day? Not bashing the product, do not understand the desire or theory. Furthermore, GHRH/GHRP benefits those most who are on TRT....