Cla ?


New member
For those who are taking CLA what is your average daily amount taken ??

I have ready one study claims only 4.2gr got results where as others use upwards of amounts near 10gr or more a day..

I am currently using 6gr day for now..

i always use it....i tested it once by using only Tonalin CLA and a multivitamin and no other supps and i find it works pretty well :) give it a shot... 4-8g/day
i dont know if its true but ive heard that cla was present in a much higher level in beef years ago but modern farming practices of not only hormones to grow the cattle fast and the use of chemical fertilzers to grow their hay and grazing land has caused the levels of cla in beef to decline over the years , but i personally feel that a lot of us take in such large quanities of beef that we make up for this . on the other hand for those who prefer chicken , fish , etc. the addition of a good cla [ tonalin ] is benificial , i dont follow the mainstream when it comes to supplements , i take in little or no supplements when im bulking/eating anything i want but i really go all out with supplements when im running a calorie deficit
I'd be interested in what it's doing for you guys. I have taken up to 8 grams a day and I couldn't tell a bit of difference!

I have settled on 6grams for now, I will try to update & post here if I notice any difference after a few weeks time...

BTW I am using the pro performance brand (yes from gnc's brand) as it was the only tonalin kind gnc long as its the tonalin brand in it, I am satisfied...

If you take this link:

It tells on the right hand side all the brands that use the tonalin cla.

Kilosports carried the tonalin cla to in bulk amounts in gelcaps, not sure how there prices compare off hand to others though.

At least at kilo's site it claims to use tonalin cla but at tonalins site they do not list kilo as being one of that manufacturers that uses tonalin ???

CLA is some good stuff~ are you taking it with any other supps? Its good with ALA. I take 6 grams a day with meals.

Been tossing round the idea of trying ALA, I hear nothing but great stuff about it...

Other supps taken now are: multivitamins, glutamine, protein powders, glucosamine, the cla....thats about it...


Chickie said:
CLA is some good stuff~ are you taking it with any other supps? Its good with ALA. I take 6 grams a day with meals.
Thanks Chickie

I will have too look into ala more, question ? Where do you people purchase your ala at ?? Most I have spoken too seem to obtain it from anabolical..


Chickie said:
The ala and cla is great for big carb filled meals :)