Clean and t3 cycle questions


New member
Wanting to use t3 and Clen or albut. I haven't used these before but am wanting to lose a little fat with the help of these. My question is weather it is ok to use them when not on a cycle. I know most people use them on a cutting cycle. But if I'm currently off and used them would I also lose muscle? I know Clen and albut make you a little more anabolic. Thoughts on using them off cycle? I would also use keto
T3 is a no off cycle. Clen you can be used but for some it can have severe side, Im one of them. If you decide to go with clen it starts to lose its effectiveness after about two weeks whick is why the Keto is brought in. Start with 50mcg and do not exceed 100.
Yes I'm male. So clen is ok. Why is t3 a no off cycle?

Unless you have been diagnosed with low thyroid function/low T3, using it off cycle will undoubtedly put you in a catabolic state. Your muscle tissue will fall prey to degradation and protein turnover will increase while you are helplessly synthesizing less muscle while not on the juice.
Dr. Thank you for that information I won't be using t3 then... Would the dosing for albut be the same as for clen?
i would personally use a correct diet and training routine over any of these.. burners should be used as a last resort.. when your bodyfat is low.
My diet and training are good. I have a good amount of Cardio in my routine now. I'm at around 12% bf I want to get to 9-10%. My bf isn't to high right now.
You do have to be careful with T3 - Dr is correct you don't want to mess with T3 off cycle.

Even on cycle you can easily go into a catabolic state at 100 mcg... I would not go over 75-80 mcg
I personally stay at 50 mcg as the limit.