Clear Sustanon 250 Redijects "The TRUTH"


Gettin Swole
I drove down to mexico last month and purchased some Sustanon Redijects from about 6 different pharmacies. All of them look exactly the same. They came in a blue and white box and then a foil pack with pink writing and an imprinted stamp on them. The liquid inside is clear. Now this is the second time ive gone down to mexico to purchase Redijects, once before in 2001. They were exactly the same that time. They had clear liquid as well. Now my question is that some posts ive read says clear liquid is FAKE. I gained about 15 pounds and good strength last time and now I gained 15 pounds and about 25 pounds on core lifts and its only day 20. So why are people saying the Clear liquid is fake? I think some of these guys dont know a god damn thing and the just give thier 2 cents which isnt even worth a penny. So I say if you call FAKE then you damn well sure better have something to back it up with. If someone has some proof that clear sustanon redijects are something other than what they claim to be I would like to see it. Thanks
ive used the clear Organon shit before. sustanon and decca redijects. they are both clear. box is blue and white. sometimes with a clear organon hologram and sometimes without. so unless the fake shit made it way down to southern mexico, i believe its good. i put on about 15 pounds with a shitty diet too.
I have used the redi-jects from mexico and made some of my best gains off it, planning on going back to pick up some more to run fina Sustanon (sust), eq, Winstrol (winny) cycle
yeah i used some sust 250 for my first cycle 3 years ago, It was pretty good i gained like 15 pound in 8 weeks with only using 250mgs a week. I was fucking ignorant about AS and thought that 250 mgs a week would turn me into the fucking hulk. In hindsight I should have been using like 500mgs a week, oh well. That was the last time i was down in mexico and had easy acces to them.