Clen 2wk on/off or straight thru


New member
I'm cutting for the next 8 weeks. For the last 6 or so I'll be doing T3.

During the 8 weeks would i do better w/ 2 weeks on, 2 off clenbuterol or just taking it for the 8 weeks straight. I'll be taking 120mcg/day.


- B
I always preach 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off because there are great theories supporting that method.

But I'll throw a little wrench into it: The couple times that I ran clen straight through for 8 week periods, I noticed my best results in terms of fat loss. Cant say that the clen was the number one factor, diet and cardio and many other things surely played a part but just looking back at all the times I've taken clen, maybe its a coincidence that my best fatloss when using clen was during the times that I used it for at least 8 weeks straight, or maybe it is not coincidence. Food for thought I guess.
Clen is one of the things we still believe downgrades receptors, so I am doing 2 weeks on/off.
downgrades receptors if u use it straight thru..If u have ketotifen on hand, it could upregulate those beta receptors and allow u to run clen straight thru for a longer period of time than 2 wks..
