Clen - alone


New member
I was planning on using just clen from Jan to march. Due to thats my off cycle period and starting my cutting cycle beginning of march.....

Reason i want to use clen `from what ive read` helps with burning FAT while still helping preserve your muscle. Obviously it seems like a good idea since I`ll be off cycle and starting my diet/prep for a show right? Cause since i wont have that extra test or any aas I`ll be at high risk or loosing my gains cause ill be cutting down.....Also read that the 2wk on 2wk off is the staple for clen but i also read that the new more beneficial way is to just very slowly raise it. For example:

every few day up the dose till the sides are to much. like
when do i take keto? every third week and only the third?

I read this was extremely effective from a sticky on this form or i forgot which. I know your body gets used to it thats why people did the 2 on 2 off. But it explains by upping the dose slightly more and more, you body wont get used to it since your slowly upping the does ever week to 10 days.
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Dude 2 on 2 off is the way to go. Beta receptors get deregulated kinda easily, so 2 weeks is plenty. Gradually upping the dose for 8 weeks sounds like a complete waste, IMO.

Clen is kinda hard on the heart, too. Running 8 weeks straight doesn't sound safe, and I am not the safest person...
thanks fro the input. I probably will do the 2 on off.... Any other advise anyone? Like can i use just clen or do i need to run something else with it. I read you can but wasnt sure if its an `opinion thing or not.
Run it alone or stack it with gear. Both are highly effective. Clen is not a steroid, so you can literally run it whenever you want.

You can maximize your efforts if you take clen on the tailend of a test cycle, for example, but I have no experience with that. I have only heard that it is popular.
Yeah, 2 weeks on 2 off. After about three days I have to up it but I stick to 120mcg highest. The shit gives me the shakes.
2weeks on 2 weeks off start @ 20mcg ed and up the dose by 20 mcg ed till you hit 120mcg you can stack it Anavar (var) if you want some more gains and you can drop 2-3 weeks before testing Use Benadryl at night to clean your receptors and take some taurine to avoid cramps also grab some tylanol extra strength incase headaches pop up
Good luck for your show bro
Run it with ketotifen. then you dont have to do 2 on / 2 off. Start taking ketotifen at night before bed at 1mg. It makes you tired so do it right before bed. This will keep the clen effective and you wont have to up dose or take breaks. You can run 6weeks...8 max.
Use the same dosing schedule starting at 20mcg and up it 20mcgs every couple of days until you get to where the sides are just tolerable. Take the keto at night before bed.
so if i can handle 100mcg ok just stick with that till the end of the cycle or slowly go down in mcg?
so if i can handle 100mcg ok just stick with that till the end of the cycle or slowly go down in mcg?

There really is no reason to taper off of clen. With some drugs it is good to reduce dosage gradually, but clen has a very long half life, so it actually tapers quite well if you just stop using it on the last day. Depends on your dosage, but at 100mcg, without using a calculator, I think the most you will have in your system will be around 240mcg at once, and that will take 9 days to leave your system completely.
Dude 2 on 2 off is the way to go. Beta receptors get deregulated kinda easily, so 2 weeks is plenty. Gradually upping the dose for 8 weeks sounds like a complete waste, IMO.

Clen is kinda hard on the heart, too. Running 8 weeks straight doesn't sound safe, and I am not the safest person...

100 % right ..