clen conversion


New member
hi guys got a quick question for the ppl who have done clen conversions b4..

i have recently diluted 1 gram of clen in 9 mls of bb giving me a finaly solution of 10mls...

i have now divede the 10mls into 2 seperate vials half is for myself and half is for a good friend of mine who helped me get it...

to my vial i will be adding 5 - 10 mls of food die to make it idetifyable so i dont mistake it for water

my question is this once i have added the dye how much water do i mix it with to get a solution equal to 100mcg/ml

bear in mind the total amount i will be adding to the water will either be 10mls or 15mls deppending on the amout of food colouring i add...

thanx in advance guys
Basically, you have 500mg/10ml, or alternatively, you have 50mg/ml, which is the same as 50,000mcg/ml. If you want it to be 100mcg/ml, you will divide the 50,000 by 500, which means you need to add 500x the amount of volume in the mixture to get the numbers you desire.

10ml x 500 = 5,000ml, or 5 litres is your answer. If you add 5,000ml to the 10ml you got, you should have 100mcg/ml. Someone may want to look over my math, but I'm pretty sure that is correct. BTW, don't add the food colouring.. why not just put a label on the vial that say Clen, Do Not Drink, or just don't drink anything out of a vial and then you won't mistake it for water.

Just to add... I hope you were EXTREMELY careful when splitting up those dosages... did you have a scale which read mcg's? That's 0.0001, because if not, there is no way in hell I'd suggest you use what you made... a little extra drop can mean serious calculation errors when doing this stuff, or any mcg dosed product for that matter...

this is a scarey post. clen can kill you/someone else and do it quick, which is gonna happen if you aint careful. why did you mix it so high a concentration? i'll tell you why cuase you dont know what you doing. and the fact that you dont lable your vials is even scareier. my advise to you is to throw that shit away before you hurt someone. clen is cheap and readily available in tab form. thats my advice to you. take it or leave it.
pullinbig said:
this is a scarey post. clen can kill you/someone else and do it quick, which is gonna happen if you aint careful. why did you mix it so high a concentration? i'll tell you why cuase you dont know what you doing. and the fact that you dont lable your vials is even scareier. my advise to you is to throw that shit away before you hurt someone. clen is cheap and readily available in tab form. thats my advice to you. take it or leave it.

Hey Peebs... good to see ya bro! Listen to this guy bro... this stuff can kill ya if you don't know what you are doing with it.

thanks for the input guys but i am very well educated in converting gear, yet it is true i have never converted clen or T3 as they are in mcg... anything else and everything else you can be assured i have made it.. :D
That-Guy said:
thanks for the input guys but i am very well educated in converting gear, yet it is true i have never converted clen or T3 as they are in mcg... anything else and everything else you can be assured i have made it.. :D

dont sound to me like you very educated at making gear. no disrespect meant just telling it like it is. you dont know how to do simple mathmatic equations to figure potency of a lethal drug, you aint an educated gear maker in my book.

good luck and i hope you dont kill anyone. and i can promise you i would never touch anything you made. esp clen. :D

did you know that bb and water taste different?
Dont kill this guy

1000 MCG PER MG.

Derek_D said:
Basically, you have 500mg/10ml, or alternatively, you have 50mg/ml, which is the same as 50,000mcg/ml. If you want it to be 100mcg/ml, you will divide the 50,000 by 500, which means you need to add 500x the amount of volume in the mixture to get the numbers you desire.

10ml x 500 = 5,000ml, or 5 litres is your answer. If you add 5,000ml to the 10ml you got, you should have 100mcg/ml. Someone may want to look over my math, but I'm pretty sure that is correct. BTW, don't add the food colouring.. why not just put a label on the vial that say Clen, Do Not Drink, or just don't drink anything out of a vial and then you won't mistake it for water.
