Clen Only

Jello Biafra

New member
I did a search and it didn't quite answer my question. Here it is.

I'm coming off of my first cycle of enanthate and starting post cycle therapy (pct) (Clomid therapy) next week (2 weeks after last shot). I want to purchase some Liquid Clen to use for my "off-time" to lose some excess bodyfat.

Can I go into a cycle of Clen right after(1-2 weeks) my post cycle therapy (pct)? I plan on running Clen for a few months, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Then I'm going to start my next bulking cycle cycle.

Is this a stupid choice? Should I just wait out on the Clen until after my second cycle?
you can start clen at any time, it has no effect on your natural test production. I actually prefer doing clen right after my cycles to help with the excess bf that I accumulated while on.
Also, if you can get a hold of ketotifen, you can run clen for longer periods of time without having to go "off". But that's something different.
Ah, one more thing about clen: I like to use clen while I'm on gear, not after. This is because after cycle and during a post cycle therapy (pct) I'm already in a catabolic period (and maybe a crash, sometime).