Clenbuterol and women


New member
My girlfriend has a question about Clenbuterol

She wants to lose some weight...Will Clenbuterol be good for her?
and if it is...what kind of side effects will she have?

Curious to be Chronic
Well, Clenbuterol is excellent for losing weight but how about a little more info on your girlfriend. Clen is certainly not for everyone.
What's her diet like now? Is she training? What are her stats?
The more you tell us, the more we can help.
Fyre ;)
What is Clenbuterol?

Clenbuterol is a beta-2 agonist and is used in many countries as a broncodilator
for the treatment of asthma. Because of it's long half life, clenbuterol is not
FDA approved for medical use. It is a central nervous system stimulant and acts
like adrenaline. It shares many of the same side effects as other CNS stimulants
like ephedrine. Contrary to popular belief, Clenbuterol has a half life of 35
hours and not 48 hours.

Dosing and Cycling

Clenbuterol comes in 20mcg tablets, although it is also available in syrup, pump
and injectable form. It's also available as a powder in some areas. Doses are
very dependent on how well the user responds to the side effects, but somewhere
in the range of 4-8 tablets per day for men and 2-4 tablets a day for women is
most common. Clenbuterol loses its thermogenic effects after around 8 weeks when
body temperature drops back to normal. Its anabolic/anti-catabolic properties
fade away at around the 18 day mark. Taking the long half life into
consideration, the most effective way of cycling clen is 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off
for no more than 12 weeks. Ephedrine or Yohimbine can be used in the off weeks.

Clenbuterol vs Ephedrine vs DNP

Ephedrine will raise metabolic levels by about 2-3 percent and 200mg of DNP
raises metabolic levels by about 30 percent. Clenbuterol raises metabolic levels
about 10 percent and it can raise body temperature several degrees.

DNP is by far the most effective fat burner but many people will never use it
because of the risks associated with it. It also offers no anti-catabolic
benefit. Although it does have anti-catabolic effect, ephedrine's short
half-life prevents it from being all that effective.

As far as side effects, Clenbuterol's are certainly milder than DNP's, and some
would even say milder than an ECA stack. There is no ECA-style crash on
Clenbuterol and many users find it easier on the prostate and sex drive. This
may in part be due to the fact that Clen is generally used for only 2 weeks at a

Side effects


The most significant side effects are muscle cramps, nervousness, headaches, and
increased blood pressure.

Muscle cramps can be avoided by drinking 1.5-2 gallons of water and consuming
bananas and oranges or supplementing with potassium tablets at 200-400mg a
day taken before bed on an empty stomach. Taurine at 3-5grams is a necessity in
minimizing cramps.

Headaches can easily be avoided with Tylenol Extra Strength taking at the first
signs of a headache.

Common Uses

Post-Cycle Therapy: Clen is used post cycle to aid in recovery. It allows the
user to continue eating large amounts of food, without worrying about adding
body fat. It also helps the user maintain more of his strength as well as his
intensity in the gym. Diet: Roughly the same as on cycle.

Fat loss: The most popular use for Clen, it also increases muscle hardness,
vascularity, strength and size on a caloric deficit. For the most significant
fat loss, Clen can be stacked with T3. Diet: A high protein(1.5g per lb of
bodyweight), moderate carb(0.5g to 1g per lb of bodyweight), low fat diet(0.25g
per lb of bodyweight) seems to work best with Clen.

Alternative to Steroids: Clenbuterol has mild steroid-like properties and can be
used by non-AS using bodybuilder to increase LBM as well as strength and muscle
hardness. Diet: A moderate carb, high protein, moderate fat diet work well.

Stimulant/Performance Enhancement: It can be used as a stimulant, but an ECA
stack may be a better choice because of it's much shorter half-life. Diet: To
take full advantage of the stimulatory effects of Clen, carbohydrates must be
included in the diet. Ketogenic diets do not work well in this case.

Precautions: Is Clen for you?

The same precautions that apply to Ephedrine must be applied to Clen, although
some people find ECA stacks are harsher than Clen. It should not be stacked
with other CNS stimulants such as Ephedrine and Yohimbine. These combinations
are unnecessary and potentially dangerous. Caffeine can be used in moderation
before a workout for an extra quick. burst of energy.

A word on Ketotifen

Ketotifen is safe antihistamine used extensively some European countries to
treat asthma and allergies. It can up regulate beta-2-receptors that Clen down
regulates. Basically, it allows users to extend their use of Clen for 6-8 weeks
at a time. 2-3mg a day is ideal, 10mg as found in "superclen" can make users
extremely drowsy. It also increases the effectiveness of Clen so doses must be
adjusted accordingly. The downfall of this drug is its ability to induce
extreme hunger is some people, which is not a desirable state to be in when

Cycling Clenbuterol

Most users that report bad side effects and discontinue use are those who use
high doses right at the start of the cycle. The worst side effects occur within
the first 3-4 days of use.

What else do I need to know?

Taurine MUST be used with Clen at 3-5g daily. Clenbuterol depletes taurine
levels in the liver which stops the conversion of T4 to T3 in the liver.
Taurine allows the user to avoid the dreaded rebound effect and painful muscle
cramps. It's a must with Clen.

Clenbuterol should not be taken too close to a workout. It can interfere with
your breathing and complete ruin your workout. When doing cardio, it's
advisable to stay at a consistent pace and avoid HIIT style routines.

this is from another message board but though id post it here....
OK...she is 40yrs old....5'6" 150lbs
she has gained 22lbs since I've met her....(must be the good loving)
he he...Anyways, she is trying to get back in shape...but all her workouts consist of just walking on the beach...power walking....She uses Ephedrine sometimes..but it makes her a little jumpy...
I got her some Clen..and was wondering if she could try it
If Ephedrine makes her jumpy.... read this:

Clenbuterol is one of the most popular illegal drugs used in livestock in the United States today. It is a legal and also very popular drug in Europe and Canada for cattle and horses. The illegal use of powerful and potentially deadly drugs is endemic within the veal industry.
Clenbuterol is used to make confined calves and lambs gain muscle mass even though they get no exercise. Strong antibiotics are used to try to curb the chronic inflections and diarrhea that afflict calves and lambs who never go outside and may not even get colostrum from their mothers' milk. Clenbuterol is also often illegally used as a fat partitioning agent to improve the aesthetic appearance of show animals.
The problem of clenbuterol is not just confined to animals. Livestock are usually fed a high amount of clenbuterol up until slaughter. While much of the clenbuterol will be excreted or metabolized, there is still a considerable amount retained by the animals especially in the liver, muscles, and retina.
Clenbuterol is a potent stimulant that is broken down in the liver. A recent article from Spain reports 113 cases of people who developed nervousness, rapid heart rate, muscle shaking, muscle pain and headache 15 minutes to 6 hours after eating veal liver (Public Health Reports, May-June 1995.) Their symptoms lasted from 90 minutes to 6 days. Interestingly, blood levels of clenbuterol were very low, while urine levels from the affected people were very high.
Clenbuterol has found popularity in bodybuilding and other sports where lean mass is desired. Athletes generally take a 20 mcg dose 3 times a day for 2 days then go off it for 2 days. They repeat this cycle for 6-8 weeks. The most prominant short term toxic effects athletes experience is heart palpatations, insomnia, and muscle cramping. The long term side effect would include destruction of the adrenergic receptors; permanant impairment of thyroid activity, making the athlete unable to regulate his/her metabolism and be intolerable to cold temperatures; death. The amount used by athletes are far less than what livestock are fed, and still less than the residual clenbuterol found in meat from animals that were fed clenbuterol.
Astma or Allergies? I think I have asthma.

Well, first of all i had asthmatic bronchitis in jan. and was on antibuiotics, anti inflammitories, and an inhaler, and that pretty much took care of it.
I have been having alot of coughing and my throat is very irriated. It doesn't feel like a sore throat it is just irreated.
I have a dog that sleeps in my bed and I am around 2nd hand smoke alot and my mom told me that it runs in our family.
The other day I have a coughing attack and I coughed so hard I could not breath and I blacked out and fell to the floor.
When I came to I did not remember what happened. It really scared me and I am not for sure what to do. Has anyone ever passed out from an asthma.
I was wondering if maybe i have allergies?
What is the pill from asthma? And where to buy online?
after sein Flyinhi's post i thought i'd ask as well.. i got my gf Clen tabs after she asked me as well and wonderin if u ladies had some advice for her she is 26/195/ 5'6.
She has a good balanced diet, does 60mins of cardo 3-4x's a week (running/walking/elipical) light weight training 2x's per week. but is diffcult for her to lose weight plateaus quick... thick build, muscalar naturally. Even tho i think she looks fab she wants to lose 20-25lbs... any advice for Sasha girls? it would help.

Hi I been fit most of the time but i got in relationship n i got lazy, no im not current dating n i hit the gym pretty hard natural no pills or anything but im having a hard time to lose the extra weight i bought clenbuterol 110 pills n i wanna do it in the rigth way, food, exercise, don and don't things can you plaese advise me how to for how long etc. thank you.
Hi I been fit most of the time but i got in relationship n i got lazy, no im not current dating n i hit the gym pretty hard natural no pills or anything but im having a hard time to lose the extra weight i bought clenbuterol 110 pills n i wanna do it in the rigth way, food, exercise, don and don't things can you plaese advise me how to for how long etc. thank you.

Welcome to the boards! Please create a new thread about you and post up your current diet. :)
What is Clenbuterol?

Clenbuterol is a beta-2 agonist and is used in many countries as a broncodilator
for the treatment of asthma. Because of it's long half life, clenbuterol is not
FDA approved for medical use. It is a central nervous system stimulant and acts
like adrenaline. It shares many of the same side effects as other CNS stimulants
like ephedrine. Contrary to popular belief, Clenbuterol has a half life of 35
hours and not 48 hours.

Dosing and Cycling

Clenbuterol comes in 20mcg tablets, although it is also available in syrup, pump
and injectable form. It's also available as a powder in some areas. Doses are
very dependent on how well the user responds to the side effects, but somewhere
in the range of 4-8 tablets per day for men and 2-4 tablets a day for women is
most common. Clenbuterol loses its thermogenic effects after around 8 weeks when
body temperature drops back to normal. Its anabolic/anti-catabolic properties
fade away at around the 18 day mark. Taking the long half life into
consideration, the most effective way of cycling clen is 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off
for no more than 12 weeks. Ephedrine or Yohimbine can be used in the off weeks.

Clenbuterol vs Ephedrine vs DNP

Ephedrine will raise metabolic levels by about 2-3 percent and 200mg of DNP
raises metabolic levels by about 30 percent. Clenbuterol raises metabolic levels
about 10 percent and it can raise body temperature several degrees.

DNP is by far the most effective fat burner but many people will never use it
because of the risks associated with it. It also offers no anti-catabolic
benefit. Although it does have anti-catabolic effect, ephedrine's short
half-life prevents it from being all that effective.

As far as side effects, Clenbuterol's are certainly milder than DNP's, and some
would even say milder than an ECA stack. There is no ECA-style crash on
Clenbuterol and many users find it easier on the prostate and sex drive. This
may in part be due to the fact that Clen is generally used for only 2 weeks at a

Side effects


The most significant side effects are muscle cramps, nervousness, headaches, and
increased blood pressure.

Muscle cramps can be avoided by drinking 1.5-2 gallons of water and consuming
bananas and oranges or supplementing with potassium tablets at 200-400mg a
day taken before bed on an empty stomach. Taurine at 3-5grams is a necessity in
minimizing cramps.

Headaches can easily be avoided with Tylenol Extra Strength taking at the first
signs of a headache.

Common Uses

Post-Cycle Therapy: Clen is used post cycle to aid in recovery. It allows the
user to continue eating large amounts of food, without worrying about adding
body fat. It also helps the user maintain more of his strength as well as his
intensity in the gym. Diet: Roughly the same as on cycle.

Fat loss: The most popular use for Clen, it also increases muscle hardness,
vascularity, strength and size on a caloric deficit. For the most significant
fat loss, Clen can be stacked with T3. Diet: A high protein(1.5g per lb of
bodyweight), moderate carb(0.5g to 1g per lb of bodyweight), low fat diet(0.25g
per lb of bodyweight) seems to work best with Clen.

Alternative to Steroids: Clenbuterol has mild steroid-like properties and can be
used by non-AS using bodybuilder to increase LBM as well as strength and muscle
hardness. Diet: A moderate carb, high protein, moderate fat diet work well.

Stimulant/Performance Enhancement: It can be used as a stimulant, but an ECA
stack may be a better choice because of it's much shorter half-life. Diet: To
take full advantage of the stimulatory effects of Clen, carbohydrates must be
included in the diet. Ketogenic diets do not work well in this case.

Precautions: Is Clen for you?

The same precautions that apply to Ephedrine must be applied to Clen, although
some people find ECA stacks are harsher than Clen. It should not be stacked
with other CNS stimulants such as Ephedrine and Yohimbine. These combinations
are unnecessary and potentially dangerous. Caffeine can be used in moderation
before a workout for an extra quick. burst of energy.

A word on Ketotifen

Ketotifen is safe antihistamine used extensively some European countries to
treat asthma and allergies. It can up regulate beta-2-receptors that Clen down
regulates. Basically, it allows users to extend their use of Clen for 6-8 weeks
at a time. 2-3mg a day is ideal, 10mg as found in "superclen" can make users
extremely drowsy. It also increases the effectiveness of Clen so doses must be
adjusted accordingly. The downfall of this drug is its ability to induce
extreme hunger is some people, which is not a desirable state to be in when

Cycling Clenbuterol

Most users that report bad side effects and discontinue use are those who use
high doses right at the start of the cycle. The worst side effects occur within
the first 3-4 days of use.

What else do I need to know?

Taurine MUST be used with Clen at 3-5g daily. Clenbuterol depletes taurine
levels in the liver which stops the conversion of T4 to T3 in the liver.
Taurine allows the user to avoid the dreaded rebound effect and painful muscle
cramps. It's a must with Clen.

Clenbuterol should not be taken too close to a workout. It can interfere with
your breathing and complete ruin your workout. When doing cardio, it's
advisable to stay at a consistent pace and avoid HIIT style routines.

this is from another message board but though id post it here....

I just started taking Clen Extra Strength yesterday. I read you said the first 4 days are the worse for side affects. So I can expect the chest pain and nervousness to go away after a few days?

(24 yrs, Female, 145lbs, 5'9", cardio and strength 4days/week)

I am getting clen this week for the first time and would like some advice.
I'm 34, 5"3 and weigh 77kg. I go to gym 5 days a week and do a mix of cardio and weights.
My diet is:
Breakfast - 175g forme yoghurt, 30g body shape museli and a skim weak coffee.
Snack - 100g celery, 100g light cottage cheese
Lunch - 75g lettuce, 100g chicken, 100g sweet potatoe, 30g mushroom, 85g capsicum, 40g flaxseed oil as dressing
Dinner - 100g fish, 45g cauliflower, 50g beans, 30g brocolli, 100g zucchini
I may also have tea with dash of skim milk or a chai made with dash of milk.

Is this diet ok?
What is the best cycle for the Clen?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks :)
Clenbuterol Dosage

Clenbuterol Dosage

There's no set clenbuterol dosage because it varies based on your experience with the drug, your gender, and your specific goals. Here are several examples of the clenbuterol dosage that might be best for you:

Clenbuterol Dosage for a beginning bodybuilder – start with 20mcg per day, then gradually increase to between 60mcg and 80mcg per day.

Clenbuterol Dosage for an Experienced Bodybuilder - 60mcg to 140mcg per day; your Clen dosage should NEVER exceed 200mcg.

Clenbuterol Dosage for a Woman on a cutting clenbuterol cycle - 10mcg to 40mcg.

As with any drug that you put into your body, it's best to research the specific dosage you'll need based on your experience and type of clenbuterol cycle that you're doing. Furthermore, it's important to consider the potential clenbuterol side effects before using it. Much more on the subject is covered in the PDF that accompanies my CAI Cycle master course. Both are still free for now.

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