Clenbuterol Cycle February 2015


New member
Started Clenbuterol Today took 60 mcg and then another 40mcg before 9am. felt the heart beat and my skin was flushing. i have 200mcg/1ML 30MLarr. keeping carbs to a minimum fats also and high protein i am 195 lbs. 5'9" tryna lean out a bit. history with hdrol mdrol superdrol formastane ALRI Venom.

hopefully i get some type of results with this i was a bit iffy wish i was able to find some helladrol to go with it.
You must be from anabolic minds or something
Everyone here is going to advise against every "cycle" you've ever done. Just a heads up.
Nevermind just looked it up. Won't be using that stuff

Hello Genetics1,

I have been back on the forum for a total of one hour. I have noticed you hijacking other people's threads several times. It's quite apparent that you do zero research on your own before asking questions. I would advise against this behavior, as I'm sure you are developing quite a negative reputation. I, for one, have already mentally jotted you down as a lazy tard.
Hello Genetics1,

I have been back on the forum for a total of one hour. I have noticed you hijacking other people's threads several times. It's quite apparent that you do zero research on your own before asking questions. I would advise against this behavior, as I'm sure you are developing quite a negative reputation. I, for one, have already mentally jotted you down as a lazy tard.

Hahah I've noticed this also... If any of these were my threads I'd be pretty pissed. It's just bad forum etiquette bro...