NOob ???'s...advice appreciated

How will your parents know that you're using needles?
I'm just asking, do they go through your things to make sure you're still clean? If so I understand, but I must concur with the other guys here in regard to oral only cycles. They shut down your natural testosterone production, thus raising your natural estrogen levels, which leads to depression, erectile dysfunction, and an overall shitty feeling. These are not good side effects for a recovering addict. Even 300mg of Test a week will keep you in a state of bliss, and get you way more muscle, the Anavar (var) will be good to run with it, sure, but take Test with it bro, you'll be so thankful that you did.

Thx for the reply, nah they dont go thru my stuff. I just like being honest with them about things. Not interested in hiding that type of behavior from them, don't think its "healthy". But I hear what you guys are saying. Im gunna put off running any kind of cycle for atleast 3-4 months and when I do Im prly gunna run the ana Anavar (var) that is on its way with something else like either test or deca or something. I gotta do more research to figure out what is best to run w the Anavar (var) while keeping in mind I want as little risk as possible. ie: minimal sides etc.
Just with any cycle always always have test as a base. ANY type of gear, even test, will shut your natty test down, that's why ppl say to always run test so your estro levels don't spike and you'll feel like ass. Even a low dose of test with your oral will be cool, like 300 mg a week, although I personally wouldn't run less then 500, at least with 300 you have test running in your system and won't feel like shit. You really should just run test only for your first cycle tho man. That way you know if you're prone to sides fro it and know how to combat it. Then on your 2nd cycle if you throw an oral in and get sides you weren't getting on test only, you know what it's from and how to handle it.
you might actually make a LITTLE bit of progress on Anavar (var) only, if its 100mg ED +.

That takes it out of the "low sides" category and introduces money thing. 8 weeks of good Anavar (var) at that dose is a pretty penny. BTW Anavar (var) is horrible for your cholesterol @ as little as 20mg ED. why not run low dose test @ like 350 if you want big gains and low sides?
you might actually make a LITTLE bit of progress on Anavar (var) only, if its 100mg ED +.

That takes it out of the "low sides" category and introduces money thing. 8 weeks of good Anavar (var) at that dose is a pretty penny. BTW Anavar (var) is horrible for your cholesterol @ as little as 20mg ED. why not run low dose test @ like 350 if you want big gains and low sides?

Gotchya...what is the difference between all the different types of test? test cypionate/propianate/enanthate/base?
Not much of a difference in cyp and e. Some ppl prefer e some ppl cyp. It's all the same to me. Prop is a short ester, 1-2 days, aka releases into your system faster and is ran for a shorter cycle but that also means your pinning yourself everyday or every other day where as e and c you pin 1-2 times a week. Most ppl prefer 2 a week to keep blood levels even which usually means less sides if your prone.
Not much of a difference in cyp and e. Some ppl prefer e some ppl cyp. It's all the same to me. Prop is a short ester, 1-2 days, aka releases into your system faster and is ran for a shorter cycle but that also means your pinning yourself everyday or every other day where as e and c you pin 1-2 times a week. Most ppl prefer 2 a week to keep blood levels even which usually means less sides if your prone.

pinning less often is a good thing...