Clenbuterol cycle for my wife


New member
So I'm new here and I'm new to steroids . This is a long story too. 3 years ago I quit smoking along with my wife. We both ballooned up pretty good. I'm 6' and I went from 155 (skronny) to 215lbs within 6 months of quitting smoking. My wife 5'4" went from 160 to 180. After I couldn't snowboard comfortably with the weight I gained I convinced my wife it was time to change our lifestyle. Since then she has gone from 180lbs to 138 with a damn good diet and ALOT of excersize. She seems to have hit a plateau though. I know you guys have heard this story before. I've done my research on clen and everyone always tries to convince the women to work on their diet. Her daily intake consists of a f***t smoothie on the morning with mixed berries, vegan protein powder, Metamucil, and almond milk. For lunch, she eats 2 hard boiled eggs and either a spinach or chick pea salad. For dinner, she has a small boneless skinless chicken breast, brown rice and a garden salad loaded with vegetables and she uses a vinigarette dressing. As far as I can Tell, that is a healthy diet. So we are now looking into supplementing with clen tabs. I have been reading article and forum for days on end. I feel like I know a substantial amount about it but still woukd like more info preferably from a woman who has experience. What are your thoughts on using it to lose the last 10-15lbs that you want? My wife has worked her ass off and been stuck between 135-140 for almost a year and she can't seem to get it down to 125 where she wants to be. Any thoughts?
Diet!! You need to get familiar with Macros. Its actually easier than you think. Find out your BMR, then find out your TDEE, and workout your macros off of those 2 things.I could easily help your wife drop 20 pounds. You dont even need the drugs for that
What are your wife's daily macros and total calories? What is her TDEE?

What weight lifting does she do? How much and what type of cardio?

Has she had blood work run to check her hormones, thyroid, etc?

How old is she?
I don't know her tdee or her bmr but her thyroid and hormones are all normal. She is 25 years old and has been slightly over weight her whole life. She is about half the size of every woman in her family. I know genes aren't everything but when she saw me drop from 215 down to 170 in 3 months she was not happy because she had only lost 10 pounds. Genes obviously make a difference. She works out twice daily, in the morning is just a short 30 minute run with the dog, after work is another 30 minute run followed by cardio based weight training (light weights) for another 45 minutes. I havnt calculated her exact calorie intake but I did say her diet and she eats like that 7 days a week and IF she snacks, it's unsalted nuts (almonds etc) she doesn't drink any sugary drinks, strictly water and 3-5l a day. I can't believe how hard of a time she is having with her weight loss...
You can just do it yourself by a quick google search of BMR Calculator. Input her info and once you got your number write it down. Then do another search for TDEE Calculator. Input her activity level. Now pick your protein by the weight she is. Range will be from 1g-2g per pound of bodyweight. Now take her weight and multiple it by 0.20-0.25. This will give her how many fats to eat per a day in grams of fat. Now fill the rest of her calories from Carbs. Pm me for a link to show you how this is done
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Sounds like her training (she only does cardio) and diet are the problem.

Please post all her most recent blood work results so we can see what is going on.
I guess I should answer the question as well.

Clenbuterol Dosage for a Woman on a cutting Clenbuterol cycle would be from 10mcg to 40mcg.

Clen effects are very similar to popular, now banned, substance, ephedrine. However, the effects of clen tend to be longer lasting and slightly stronger. This substance will often cause a slight increase in the body's temperature, elevated heart rate, and slight anxiety. It also increases the rate at which fat and protein are used in the body, make its effectiveness as a fat burner obvious.

Clen is also effective as a breathing assistant. Users often report that they are able to endure cardio sessions for much longer periods of time due to this. This effect also lends itself greatly to a bodybuilder who is trying to cut fat in order to get into contest shape. Some users of Clen claim that it has slight anabolic properties as well. This is usually due to the increase in strength that is often felt soon after administration. However, it is more probable that this is more due to the drug***8216;s effect as a stimulant rather than some sort of anabolic activity.

Clen acts on the receptors quickly, and because of this, it is often recommended that it be used for two weeks at a time then given a two week break in order to allow the receptors a break. If this is not done, one's body can grow accustomed to the drug and its effects will subside. (This is debatable)

Clen users should be certain to consume plenty of water while taking Clen and never to consume more than three tablets a day. Most prefer to take their tablets in the morning in order to give the effects time to subside before bedtime. Those with history of heart problems should not use clen. Women also find favor with the drug, but at lower dosages. I highly suggest you look into Clens side effects as well
I don't know her tdee or her bmr but her thyroid and hormones are all normal. She is 25 years old and has been slightly over weight her whole life. She is about half the size of every woman in her family. I know genes aren't everything but when she saw me drop from 215 down to 170 in 3 months she was not happy because she had only lost 10 pounds. Genes obviously make a difference. She works out twice daily, in the morning is just a short 30 minute run with the dog, after work is another 30 minute run followed by cardio based weight training (light weights) for another 45 minutes. I havnt calculated her exact calorie intake but I did say her diet and she eats like that 7 days a week and IF she snacks, it's unsalted nuts (almonds etc) she doesn't drink any sugary drinks, strictly water and 3-5l a day. I can't believe how hard of a time she is having with her weight loss...

This sounds all good and all. But a calorie deficit drops weight period. If she started tracking her macros (myfitness pal, or equivalent) she would know exactly whats going on and be able to make adjustments from there. Usually by removing Carbs, or adding in more cardio. Also people need to stop tracking there cardio sessions by time, and start tracking your cardio sessions by calories burned.

Example. I would keep her diet the same, but add 2 cardio sessions a week of 300 calories burned. (Mondays and Thurs). For a total of 600 Calories burned from cardio and keep her weight training at 3-4 times a week. If not 5 times a week. And rest Sat and Sun.
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Read the FAQs thread below in my signature
There is a section on Thermogenics
I prefer Albuterol to Clenbuterol by the way.
TDEE - Total Daily Energy Expenditure (How To Break It Down)

The following will allow you to calculate the number of calories you burn daily based on you activity level. Its is broken into 2 steps.

The first step is your BMR (basal metabolic rate) This is the number of calories you burn daily doing no activity whatsoever. The method shown here is the Harris-Benedict Formula.
The second step uses your BMR along with constants based on your daily activity level to calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure).

(Google Search) - Body Fat Percentage Pictures Of Men & Women by Marc Perry, CSCS, CPT

Data Required:
Your height in cm , your weight in kg , your age in years. Weigh yourself right before calculating - do not guesstimate!
For those in the US the conversions are as follows: 1 inch = 2.54 cm / 2.2 lbs = 1 kg

Step 1

Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate):

Men: BMR = 66 + (13.7 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years)

Women: BMR = 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years)

Remember 1 inch = 2.54cm and 2.2 lbs = 1 kg.

Step 2

Calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). This will tell you the average number of calories you burn based on your BMR and your daily activity level.

Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise and a desk or still standing job)
Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise or sports one to three times per week)
Moderately active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise or sports three to five times per week)
Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise or sports six to seven times per week)
Extremely active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise or sports and a physical job, or twice a day training for an athletic event such as for a marathon or intense competition)

So the figure you come up with will be the average # of calories you burn daily. This number is crucial to us so we can adjust caloric intake in order to bulk (add mass) or cut (reduce body-fat) or even to maintain if that is your goal.

A few points - Remember this will only be as accurate as the data you put in as well as how honestly you assess your daily activity level. Be sure to be honest and accurate when calculating. There are other methods available to calculate your TDEE and while some will say they may be more accurate they also require data like bf%. Due to the difficultly in obtaining a truly accurate bf% reading - I say not only is the above method easier but also more accurate based on the ease by which accurate data can be obtained.

Also just some other tips. Have her start weighing her food on a food scale. I like to measure everything in grams, its a lot more accurate. She may be eating/taking in more calories than she thinks. Some tips on measuring your food:

***Measuring Food***

1. Meats: Measured raw, NOT cooked

2. Rice: Measured cooked, NOT raw

3. Oats: Measured raw, NOT cooked

Sorry, I realize this was on Clen, but 20 lbs is easy to loose with dieting and proper nutrition And Cardio. Best of Luck to you. And I apologize for the information overload, just trying to be helpful.
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You are getting some excellent advice above. Sure her genetics are stacked against her, and sure we live in America the land of the high sugar high carb Western diet, but you can beat both of those odds.

The part above about caloric deficit will shed weight period is (of course) correct. If she figures our her macros and tracks them, and does the BMR and TDEE calcs above, over time she will learn to calibrate her actual TDEE up or down based on what she's seeing on the scale, and then provided macros are tracked and exercise is being done she will be in full control of her weight.

This seems so simple (simple to understand, not to do) that I have a hard time believing so many people choose to go through life with weight challenges. A friend once asked me how hard it would be for me to lose a given amount of weight, I thought for me simple as I would just go zero carb and weight (unfortunately muscle too) would fall off me. I think for others virtually impossible, and they don't want to understand or do what it takes.
Thank you guys so much. You have all been very helpful. I'm going to start working on all of this stuff for her. I do have another question about a different supp, they are SARMS. Cardarine/stenabolic in specific. These seem much healthier for my wife. Also much more expensive but were not trying to save money here we are trying to get healthy. Does anyone have any experience with them? Suggestions?
Thank you guys so much. You have all been very helpful. I'm going to start working on all of this stuff for her. I do have another question about a different supp, they are SARMS. Cardarine/stenabolic in specific. These seem much healthier for my wife. Also much more expensive but were not trying to save money here we are trying to get healthy. Does anyone have any experience with them? Suggestions?

I would recommend AAS over SARMs. Why take all the risks and not get all the benefits?

But again, she doesn't lift weights so it is a waste. You need to get her in the weight room lifting heavy to put on some muscle. Adding muscle increases her metabolism which will result in more calories being burned 24/7 -- not just while she is in the treadmill.

Do you personally lift weights? You said you use steroids. Do you track your diet? Do you train hard? If you do all this, why do you think some Thermogenics and a treadmill are the answer for your wife? Did you just jump into steroids without first spending years working on your diet and training? Why wouldn't your wife do this too before taking steroids or Thermogenics? Or is she just looking for a magic pill and doesn't want to put the hard work in?
No I don't use aa's at the moment. I am contemplating running an anavar and test cycle but havnt made my mind up yet. I track everything I do but I'm not perfect and after doing so much research I'm starting to think I'm leaps and bounds away from being ready to start a cycle even a simple one. We have never actually counted our exact caloric intake and sorted carbs fats and proteins. This is why I'm asking questions, I don't want to jump in head first and totally screw our bodies up. I was asking about SARMS because from what I have read the 2 I listed will give the same results as clen and but much softer on her. We are both skeptical about whether or not to start putting things on our body we know nothing about. I didn't realize perfection in diet was near mandatory before supplementing. I had thought a good healthy diet was more then enough. Where im from there is more then a dozen guys running oral only cycles who are in the club's getting wasted every weekend telling me to start a cycle but like I said in my first post, I WAS unhealthy. The goal is to be healthy
You sound like you are young. Watch over the coming years what happens to those guys taking oral only cycles, it's not what you want for yourself.

Get your exercise routines and diet in check, then think about all the supps. If you want to go over to the dark side get advice here, not from those dudes.
Most people -- even one on here -- don't have a perfect diet. But they track their macros and calories. Everyone will have a cheat meal once in a while -- whether it is a child's birthday party or a night out with friends. But overall they pay attention to what goes in their body becuase that is the biggest driver of what your body will look like. And on top of that they train hard 5-6 days a week. They are just hopping on the elliptical for 45 minutes. They are lifting weights -- and lifting heavy to build muscle.

Get diet and training squared away first before you start thinking about steroids. Don't be one of those people that is looking for "Scrubbing Bubbles" in a pill.