Clenbuterol progress stalled (request suggestions)


New member
I have been using a 2-week on and 2-week off cycle of clenbuterol + T3 and SAN Tight. However, all of a sudden, the progress seems to have stalled (the reason I know this is because my body temperature is back to normal)...

I know that this is because of a down grading of my beta-receptor. I read somewhere that adding Ketotifen to the stack would help upgrade my beta-receptor and allow me to use clenbuterol for longer periods.

Therefore, I went out and got me some Ketotifen but even that hasn't worked!!! I have tried everything from upping my dosage, to alternating T3 and Ketotifen, adding anti-estrogens (clomid and Proviron), even adding salbuterol but nothing seems to work.

My daily dosage are as follows:

1) 6.30 a.m.- T3 (50 mcg) + clen (100 mg) + Proviron (50 mg)
2) 7.00 a.m. - 1 cap. SAN Tight + Ketotifen (1 mg)

3) 12.00 p.m. - T3 (50 mcg) + clen (100 mg)
4) 1.00 p.m. - 1 cap. SAN Tight + Ketotifen (1 mg)

5) 6.00 p.m. - SAN Tight

6) 8.00 p.m. - Ketotifen (1 mg)

What do I do now?? Any suggestions would be highly appreciated
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how about giving your bod a break and jsut doing a maintenance kinda a thing for 8 weeks then hit the diet trail again???
I freakin hate clen too many reasons too list. Best way for me to trim down is threw diet and vary the forms of cardio like swim treadmill volleyball if you can. All these diet pills and shit are ****** up the right food is the way.
oz said:
Try looking at your diet,or better still post it up,and let us have a look.
Well my diet is pretty lean as it is! Let me list it out for you...

1) 5.30 a.m. cottage cheese (very little...don't know exact grammage!)

I then go for a run of about 4 miles and do my abs routine

2) Breakfast 8.00 a.m. - Various fruits (that's it!)

I continue snacking on fruits all the way till lunch time

3) 12.00 p.m. - Oats with perhaps half a can of tuna

4) 3.00 p.m. - some more tuna with a glass of milk+honey+1 raw egg

5) 6.00 p.m. - three half-boiled eggs (full eggs)

Then I do my workout

6) 8.30 p.m. - stir fried vegetables/ salad with chicken breast/ fish grilled and maybe some more fruits

I have been sticking to this diet for a few months now, but the results have been rather disappointing. I however, allow myself to eat "heavy" on saturday nights! Alcohol consumption is also minimized (perhaps 3-4 beers a week)

Any suggestions?
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Dlove said:
I freakin hate clen too many reasons too list. Best way for me to trim down is threw diet and vary the forms of cardio like swim treadmill volleyball if you can. All these diet pills and shit are ****** up the right food is the way.
I do try to fit in cardio about 3-4 times every week. And yes, I already do try and vary them! Running, swimming, badminton, soccer!!!
mranak said:
Damn, that isn't much food. How much do you weigh?
I weigh 187 lbs. Height is 5' 9"

Body fat should be about 12-15%....never measured :)

Arms - about 17"
Chest - 45"
waist - 34" (very unsightly)...I wanna get it down to 30" within the next 3 months!
All that snacking on fruit has to go.Also have a look and research on a solid diet.
For starters you gotta have protein in every meal.
oz said:
All that snacking on fruit has to go.Also have a look and research on a solid diet.
For starters you gotta have protein in every meal.
I honestly don't think that would help!

I tried that for about a year and gained more weight (read: fat around my belly) than ever! This meal plan atleast keeps me lean and provides me all the nutrients that I need. FYI, fruits, just like vegetables, also aid in better absorption of protein and fats.

The sugar in fruits is also easily digested by the body so I see no reason to stop fruits!! It is just like vegetables...I would be surprised if you told me to stop eating vegetables!!!!

FYI, this meal has been researched and after a lot of trial, I think it is the best one around (I may be wrong)! In the past, I started my day with a protein shake and nuts...I was eating 5 eggs (5 egg whites and 1 yolk) + oatmeal for breakfast, then tuna and some vegetables for lunch and snack, peanut butter sandwich (whole wheat bread) at 4.00 p.m. I would then eat another dinner (fish/ chicken and veges) and drink another protein shake at night before bedtime...I do not deny that this sort of meal plan may have helped me gain mass, but it made no difference to my fat levels (and that is why I opted for clen in the first place). So there is no going back to that!!!

Any other diet suggestions? I am open to reason!
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It seems i have dissappointed you.I am only trying to help.
OK,fruits are good for you,but

2) Breakfast 8.00 a.m. - Various fruits (that's it!)

I continue snacking on fruits all the way till lunch time

I hardly think that will help you lose BF.Since when was eating protein every 2.5-3 hours detrimental to losing BF.I see you are set in your ways,and want people to give you a better drug regime,well that aint gonna do any good.
Bro, That's looks well under 1000 calories per day (p.s. I estimated your protein intake to be about 75g a day)- way too low, even for cutting. At 187lbs. you should be eating at least 1870 cals per day. And with 100mcgs T3 and 200mcgs. clen a day you will need even more to stay at maintenance. This will stimulate your metabolism to burn fat - assuming the nutrient ratio is correct. Might give 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fats in six or seven meals a try. Also, that proviron your throwing in there is a steroid and will shut you down as such. What's more, it will do nothing to upregulate your clen (same with Nolva). If that Ketotifen isn't working, nothing will. But just because your body temp isn't considerably raised, doesn't mean that it isn't working at all.
Since when was eating protein every 2.5-3 hours detrimental to losing BF

How do you suggest I take in pure protein, without any fat, sugar or carbs?? Would Protein shakes help? Or do you think I should increase carbs and fats too??

I am definetely not "set" in my ways and that is why I respect your opinion (the constructive ones :))
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Thanks for the advice on the diet Stone...question to you is the same as that to Oz: How do you suggest I take in pure protein, without any fat, sugar or carbs?? Would Protein shakes help? Or do you think I should increase carbs and fats too??

Also, do you think you could teach me how you calculate calories? Do you have a chart or something you could share? I have always tried to figure out how much calories I eat and how much I need but in vain!! Would appreciate that a lot!

As for the Proviron and Clomid, they were added on because I just got off a cycle of Test and took a break off everything for one month and then started the clen
Basically protein should not be eaten by itself.Therefore for maximium results while cutting you should combine protein and fat or protein carb meals.
For best results,this is what i think you should do

*AM cardio on empty stomach
*Have protein fat meals throughout the day
*After your workout have PWO
*then another protein carb meal
Feel free to add vegies in any meal.At first you will feel lazy getting used to utilising fat for energy,but you will get used to it.This is not KETO as you have plenty of carbs for when you need it the most,AFTER TRAINING :biggthump
I have to agree that, especially if it isn't working, the diet needs to change. Protein is a must as well because you want to loose fat, not muscle.
blueshadow said:
you have serious dietary problems, you need to do research, try google.
He doesn't need google. Just go to the diet forum there are some sticky's that amy point you in the right direction. I agree with almost everything I have heard especially about the low protein intake. You need to increase this if you want to drop weight, right now it seems as if you are starving yourself with your extreme low cal diet