Clinic changed my Testosterone, sick as a dog.


New member
My previous regular protocol was as follows.

Testosterone - Cypionate @ 160mg once a week
hCG - 500iu once a week
AI - .25mg arimidex every 3.5 days (x2 a week)

I went in Tuesday to get my shots as usual. My nurse pract. said they have a new Test in, and asked me if I would like to try it.
It is the exact same as above, except is has 25mg of Testosterone Propionate. She said it would help my trough levels shoot back up faster since it doesn't contain an ester. I was on board with it.

Wensday night I start feeling kind of tired and weird.

Thursday morning im tired, out of it, having trouble thinking, feeling lousy, and getting hot and cold flashes.

Friday i'm sick. I feel like I have the flu, its getting worse and worse as the day goes on. By Friday night I have EVERY flu symptom you can think of. Sore throat, stopped up nose, fatigue, fever... I feel like death itself.

Today (Sat) I'm still sick as a dog. My symptoms have not improved much and I feel like I have the flu.

I have heard and research the cause and effects of Test Flu. But my question is this:

Once my body gets done being dumb and fighting off the very thing that is trying to help me, will it become accustomed to it? As in, if I go back for my weekly shot next Tuesday and do the same protocol will I get sick again? Or will my body have figured out how retarded it was being (acclimated)?

Also I have been taking about 1500mg of Vitamin C and drinking a lot of fluids. Is there any thing else I can do to get over this crap? This sucks. Thanks guys.
I don't see the value of adding prop on a once per week schedule. Ultimately I think it will make levels less even, not more.

How do you know you don't have the flu flu?

FWIW, propionate is still an ester, just a shorter one.
I don't see the value of adding prop on a once per week schedule. Ultimately I think it will make levels less even, not more.

How do you know you don't have the flu flu?

FWIW, propionate is still an ester, just a shorter one.

Took the words out of my mouth.

Drop the shot with the added propionate ester. Doesn't make sense to add that in. I wonder if they gave you Sustanon instead.

By they way, why aren't you self-injecting at home?
My previous regular protocol was as follows.

Testosterone - Cypionate @ 160mg once a week
hCG - 500iu once a week
AI - .25mg arimidex every 3.5 days (x2 a week)

I went in Tuesday to get my shots as usual. My nurse pract. said they have a new Test in, and asked me if I would like to try it.
It is the exact same as above, except is has 25mg of Testosterone Propionate. She said it would help my trough levels shoot back up faster since it doesn't contain an ester. I was on board with it.

Wensday night I start feeling kind of tired and weird.

Thursday morning im tired, out of it, having trouble thinking, feeling lousy, and getting hot and cold flashes.

Friday i'm sick. I feel like I have the flu, its getting worse and worse as the day goes on. By Friday night I have EVERY flu symptom you can think of. Sore throat, stopped up nose, fatigue, fever... I feel like death itself.

Today (Sat) I'm still sick as a dog. My symptoms have not improved much and I feel like I have the flu.

I have heard and research the cause and effects of Test Flu. But my question is this:

Once my body gets done being dumb and fighting off the very thing that is trying to help me, will it become accustomed to it? As in, if I go back for my weekly shot next Tuesday and do the same protocol will I get sick again? Or will my body have figured out how retarded it was being (acclimated)?

Also I have been taking about 1500mg of Vitamin C and drinking a lot of fluids. Is there any thing else I can do to get over this crap? This sucks. Thanks guys.

Usually a virus just has to run its course. Sorry.

I agree that it is PROBABLY unrelated. I would prob be nervous next shot too, but I think it would be wise to try again.
Mprtz - I'm feeling a lot better now. I haven't been sick since September 2010. No cold, flu, cough, or even stuffy nose. Then all the sudden a day after this shot I feel crappy, and a few days later its almost gone. It could be just a regular cold, but my immune system is awesome, so it seems more likely to me that It would be related to the shot.

Also I don't really see the value of adding that stuff either, seems goofy to me.

Megatron - I saw the bottle she withdrew from, it was Cypionate 160 mg/ml with 25mg/ml Propionate. She gave me a 1ml shot. Also i'm not injecting at home anymore because the clinic I go to still hasn't finalized there at home program. Apparently the owner of that clinic is taking his sweet ass time getting all the details worked out.

When I have had the flu in the past, it has never been a 3-4 gig. It was a good week or two commitment. This is the weirdest "flu" I have ever had. Terrible shit, then bam, gone. If it was a bug and not related to the test, that is one weird bug.
Mprtz - I'm feeling a lot better now. I haven't been sick since September 2010. No cold, flu, cough, or even stuffy nose. Then all the sudden a day after this shot I feel crappy, and a few days later its almost gone. It could be just a regular cold, but my immune system is awesome, so it seems more likely to me that It would be related to the shot.

Also I don't really see the value of adding that stuff either, seems goofy to me.

Megatron - I saw the bottle she withdrew from, it was Cypionate 160 mg/ml with 25mg/ml Propionate. She gave me a 1ml shot. Also i'm not injecting at home anymore because the clinic I go to still hasn't finalized there at home program. Apparently the owner of that clinic is taking his sweet ass time getting all the details worked out.

When I have had the flu in the past, it has never been a 3-4 gig. It was a good week or two commitment. This is the weirdest "flu" I have ever had. Terrible shit, then bam, gone. If it was a bug and not related to the test, that is one weird bug.

"Home Program"? It is called writing you a prescription that you take to the pharmacy to have filled. How hard can that be for a doctor? Sounds shady.
I think what they mean by "Home Program" is : We need to figure out and way so that when we write you a prescription and you have months worth of meds, you still pay us the $50 a week that we charge you. They are just money whores looking for capitalize off the unfortunate situation of others.

With that said, i'm just using them to better handle my unfortunate situation. So it works, sorta.
Since the 25mg test prop is "extra" and not subtracted from the 160mg cyp, at least you shouldn't have a lower trough.
You should get out of the trough a little quicker (like the nurse said) and might have a little bit higher peak.

It would probably be better not to have a pronounced trough at all, which can be achieved by keeping the injection interval short relative to the half-life of the medication.

Once you are able to inject at home, you might try twice-a-week injection.

Maybe there was something wrong with the test... not something that has happened to me so far.
Since you saw (and handled?) the multi-use vial, it sounds like the shot was drawn up in the patient treatment area.
That is not considered good practice - see
Unfortunately I didn't get to handle the vial (well fortunately for other patients actually). I did to get see it though, I make them show me the vials before the injections just to make sure they didn't make a "mistake".

I actually spoke to the RN there about it and he is basically clueless on everything, so I'm going to talk to the nurse practitioner. Ask her what she thinks about drawing up in the patient treatment area.

I'm defiantly going to pin every 3.5 when I can do it at home. Or I may just ask my primary if he would want to take over my current protocol. Worth a shot I guess, then I could inject at home.
Yep. Insane huh? They are making a 1000% profit. Like I said, capitalizing on the unfortunate circumstances of others.

Also, I'm completely over my bug. I think just to be on the safe side I'm going to ask for the Cyp only, just incase.

With the Holidays here I cant afford to go in to get my shots today, my work feels it should shut down 2 days a week for a freaking month around any holiday that is even remotely near. So my money is tight as a...well...its tight. Luckily I have a little Cyp left over from injecting at home earlier this year. So that saved the day! Whew.

Just wont get my hCG this time. But, I think I can live without a week of it.
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