Clomid/Dex test booster bloodwork results.


New member
Been using Clomid/Dex as a test booster for the last three weeks. Had blood work done yesterday results posted below.

Dosage: 35MG Clomid EOD, Dex: 300MCG EOD

Test Results:
Testosterone, Serum
Testosterone, Serum 955 348-1197 ng/dL CB
Comment: Comment CB
Adult male reference interval is based on a population of lean males
up to 40 years old.
Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S
LH 9.4 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL CB
FSH, Serum
FSH 6.7 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL CB
Estradiol 28.9 7.6-42.6 pg/mL CB

I have my baseline results that I will post this evening I am at working and currently dont have access.

But my Serum tests levels before Clomid/dex treatment was:

598 ng/dl


If I increase dose or frequency of clomid will it further increase test level?
Also do I need to be concerned with the high LH levels?
Thats a damn nice increase. Do you feel alot better?

Hard to say if a higher dose would do much more, your LH is already nice and high. Worth a shot though. No negatives associated with high LH that I'm aware of. The higher it gets the more stimulation the testes will receive. Just keep an eye on your e2 if you go higher.
Yes! I feel a lot better actually...muscles feel fuller and I feel like I'm making gains quicker. I upped the dose today to 57.5 mg (ml and a half) of clomid and kept the Armidex dose the same. Going to see if that makes a noticeable difference without producing sides. I am currently experiencing no sides with the clomid. I was hoping to push my levels up to the 1500s I'll recheck blood work in 4 weeks at this dose and see where its at.
27. I have been out of the game for a couple years packed on some body fat went from 223 11% to 312 29%. Ready to get my shit back in line, being my body fat is way to high for a cycle. I though the clomid route was the better way to go to increase my test and preserve/gain some lbm while cutting back bf%. I am going through this phase currently where literally the scale has stopped moving but the calipers have not which is nice while it lasts.

As far as e2 levels would bringing my adex dosing up to .5mg EOD bring them down a bit more? I am trying not to bottom them out so I am cautious with the adex.
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Your e2 is at a perfectly healthy level. Most men feel great with e2 betwen 20-50, your bang in the middle at the moment so your sweet. No need to lower it at your current value unless your having symptoms.

At 29% bf... Damn lol. You will likely see a decent increase in test once you get that back down to a healthy range aswell.

I love clomid too. Gives me zero sides. Some people get moody/bitchy symptoms from it, so if that starts happenin now you've upped the dose than just be aware it may be the clomid. I've run it at 100mg daily for two weeks with no problems.
Yes 29%...I frankly became lazy....then fat....then lazier...and fatter. Vicious cycle I'm afraid...I finally looked in the mirror one day and said I'm in my late 20s it only gets harder from here. So I first got back in the gym 5 days a week got more motivated diet is now in check, started an EC stack and feel like I'm well on my way back to getting in shape and a better well being. Hoping to get down to 10/11% and start a cycle of test C only to try to build some lbm back up after the cut.
Sounds like an awesome plan bro, props to you for getting on with it. And gettin that body fat down before startin another cycle. Have you considered hiring 3J? No doubt he'll get you where you wanna be quicker than you could on your own. I find a lot of people that start out with higher bf %s tend to plateau sooner. 3J would be a good bet then.
I realize this is a bump of an older thread earlier this year, but rather than start another thread....

How much does a 60% gain in test serum level like this translate in terms of gym performance? Is it even worth it, given the sides of clomid? I've only used Nolva in the past, so I'm unaware of my response/sides with clomid at this point.

I'm off cycle now and wasn't looking to run anything until late spring 2015; was thinking of trying some clomid while off cycle. I have it on hand.

Thanks brothers!
I realize this is a bump of an older thread earlier this year, but rather than start another thread....

How much does a 60% gain in test serum level like this translate in terms of gym performance? Is it even worth it, given the sides of clomid? I've only used Nolva in the past, so I'm unaware of my response/sides with clomid at this point.

I'm off cycle now and wasn't looking to run anything until late spring 2015; was thinking of trying some clomid while off cycle. I have it on hand.

Thanks brothers!

In terms of muscle growth and strength: very little. Boosting natty T will never compare to the supraphysiological doses we can achieve with AAS. You may find recovery from intense training a little easier though, especially if T was low to begin with. Personally the best effects of Clomid therapy for me were mood & libido.

In summary; if you have low T, yes it can be beneficial. Outside of that not really worth it ;)