Clomid instead of Test-500 cycle


Mini Rocky
So I havn't posted here in a long time. But I had a question involving clomid. So to be honest I bought clomid/nolva/and an AI to prepare for my new cycle about 2 months ago. I was just gonna do a simple Test-E 500mg a week for 12 weeks with 4 weeks speed boost of 150mg EOD of Test Prop as a kickstart but since then I've had second thoughts of doing the cycle which would be my 5th cycle. So I've read that just using clomid 25mg ED can boost test levels, so I was wondering of what would happen if i just going clomid route instead of going the Test cycle route. Any concerns or imput would be greatly appreciated. Plus I dont have a source for any testosterone so probably why im curious.

Stats- 28 5'5 200lbs 20% bodyfat. I've done 4 cycles in the past. Bench 375, squat 425, deadlift 400.
Past cycles
1: 500mg Test 1-12 weeks with Var added
2: NPP 10 weeks test prop 12 and tbol
3 Prop 600 12 weeks
4 Test E 750 12 weeks with prop kickstart

If I did do a 5th cycle id just do 12 weeks test 500mg with prop kickstart for 4.
4 cycles under your belt.
Yet only 200lbs, but 20% bf.
Need to focus on your diet instead.

Clomid will slightly raise your t levels, nothing close to the effect
Running a clomid "cycle" may be beneficial if you had low test or something along those lines but as a test booster you won't feel much. Not really worth doing...