CLOMID is unreal!! i feel like i'm back!!


New member
so i only did one cycle... but that lasted 2 and a half years. i decided it's time to come off, so i blasted the fuck out of HCG for around 2 weeks and then i started clomid/nolva PCT (50mg clomid 20mg nolva ED). i was depressed AS FUCK for exactly 2 weeks and i felt weak, then 2 days ago all of a sudden i started feeling GREAT its amazing i can't explain it.

HUGE side note: for the last 5 months of my blast and cruise i was doing "50mg test prop" EOD or "175mg a week", and then i got bloodwork done RIGHT BEFORE coming off. for the last 5 months i was in a shitty state of mind and i thought it was because of the personal things i was facing (unrelated to gear), but the bloodwork explained it. my test levels were @ 375ng/dl. my gear was underdosed. i guess now my test levels are normal? i'm getting bloodwork tomorrow to see really. but maybe now i'm just experiencing what it feels like to have normal hormone levels as opposed to sub normal for the past 5 months?

anyway, i dont really know what's happening but i am feeling great mentally and physically. hopefully my bloodwork results will back it up
so 375 is really on the low side. Wait to see where you next test end up stay the course of the pct. I would expect to need a longer than normal pct after being on for that length of time.
FYI everyone -- OP started his first cycle at 18 years old and has been running it for 2.5 years.
Keep that in mind when u offer any advice
FYI everyone -- OP started his first cycle at 18 years old and has been running it for 2.5 years.
Keep that in mind when u offer any advice

e92 doesn't need your advice. He knows what's best and shame on you for thinking otherwise.
e92 doesn't need your advice. He knows what's best and shame on you for thinking otherwise.

I didn't offer any advice, lol.. and I'm not going to. just stating the facts so people are aware before they respond to this dudes post not realizing he started AAS at 18
Getting bloodwork right when you stop Clomid/Nolva, or while you're still using it is worthless. You may see an elevated level, but it's aritificially elevated by clomid. You need to wait around 8 weeks after you stop to get an accurate reading of what you are naturally producing.
I didn't offer any advice, lol.. and I'm not going to. just stating the facts so people are aware before they respond to this dudes post not realizing he started AAS at 18

I know, i meant if for anyone who would give advice, but i was being sarcastic. This kid is a moron.
FYI everyone -- OP started his first cycle at 18 years old and has been running it for 2.5 years.
Keep that in mind when u offer any advice
how does that change the fact that i've been running gear just like all of you? does it make my question less valid and less worthy of proper advice and guidance?
how does that change the fact that i've been running gear just like all of you? does it make my question less valid and less worthy of proper advice and guidance?

You don't know what you are doing, and you think you do. That's the funny part.

"My levels are great on clomid, i'm back baby!!!" *Doesn't know it doesn't meant shit while on clomid, because his levels are being elevated by the drug and it doesn't mean he is recovered*
You don't know what you are doing, and you think you do. That's the funny part.

"My levels are great on clomid, i'm back baby!!!" *Doesn't know it doesn't meant shit while on clomid, because his levels are being elevated by the drug and it doesn't mean he is recovered*

ok dick take it easy. lets meet up im in nyc too lets chop it up
Hit a nerve? Now you just feel stupid. Must be that adolescent steroid aggression the pubmed link was talking about.
Only way to know OP is to get a blood test. It sounds like you've been off PCT for two weeks? If so, the true test will be in about six weeks from now when you've cleared all the SERMs out of your system. Even though I don't agree with your choices, I do hope you recover.

My .02c :)
Just because someone invented a rule of mid 20's is the right time to cycle does not mean people follow it and I don't think op deserves to be called names he needs advice just like anyone else. Alot and I mean Alot of bodybuilders have dark pasts of narcotics and no one is calling them morons and idiots. At least he didnt choose to smoke meth people act like trt is a death sentence give the poor kid advice instead of pissing him off my .02trencents
He's been given advice. He says fuck off, and does his own thing. He has the right to do that, and i have the right to think he's natural selection at it's best. No hard feelings here.
OP, I hope you recover because of how young you are, but you do realize that clomid is boosting your test levels. Wait until you come off and get bloods done 4 weeks after the clomid. That way you can assess where you stand.
I'm really disappointed in the negative attitude displayed in this thread. Is it optimal that he started at 18 no. It's pretty stupid. Thats over and done we can support him in his recovery. Time to shelve the attitude .
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