Clomid Only - How Often? - Blood results


New member
Was diagnosed with exercise induced hypogonadism two months ago. I've never touched gear or pro hormones.

I did Clomid only: 50mg/25mg/25mg/12.5mg ED.

Below are my blood results from October. The 'after' results were taken last week.

Total Testosterone: 278.0 ng/dl (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)
Free Testosterone: 45 pg/ml (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 42.1 nmol/L (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)
LH: 3.48 MIU/ML (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)
FSH: 14.50 MIU/ML (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

Total Testosterone: 863.4 ng/dl (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)
Free Testosterone: 134 pg/ml (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 59.2 nmol/L (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)
LH: 21.55 MIU/ML (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)
FSH: 27.09 MIU/ML (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

*****My question is, how often can I do a Clomid only cycle to 'reboot' my system?*****
Unless your having bad sides, I don't know of any reason to come off it at all. I would suggest running it for a good few months and then dropping it all together, retesting blood and see if you have "rebooted" and retained higher levels. Always good to not have to take something if you don't have to.