clomid vs nolvadex during and post cycle


New member
Any opinions on which is more effective to implement during and post cycle; Clomid vs Nolvadex? My boy is going to be starting a test/deca stack. He's never used deca before, and I know that it's pretty estrogenic. I've read a lot of info that says they are basically equals but looking to hear from dudes that have personal experience. Thanks guys!
have him get caber for deca to prevent deca dick.
from what i know nova and climid should be used PCT, arimidex should be used during a cycle and hog should be used during cycle to help in recovery
Hog and arimidex both during cycling? What would you suggest pct then, only arimidex? This is exactly why I love these forums-legit advice that you won't find on the scientifically based sites. Technical vs practical knowledge is where it's at. Deca dick is one of the main things that I know he's trying to combat b4 it's a problem. Advice much appreciated man!
arimidex helps with estrogen levels and for pct use nolvadex and clomid.
its on the frequently asked questions thread. cabergoline or prami are the choices to use against drugs like deca and tren. goto the steroid profiles page and you can read up on them to help you better understand em.
good luck
to break it down:

main sides from deca (a 19-nor) come from high estrogen which leads to prolactin issues. Keeping your estrogen in check with an AI such as aromasin or arimidex will nip this issue in the bud. In case there's still issues (does happen sometimes), then having a dopamine agonist (DA) on hand, such as prami or caber will look after that.

For PCT, nolva AND clomid are both needed. This is the most important part of any cycle. Taking one and not the other will lead to issues. They're both cheap and easy to find, well worth the money to start your HPTA successfully after shutting it down cycling.

"deca dick" is really just a mis-named issue that stems from high estrogen. NOT using an AI means your deca and test aromatising into estrogen spikes your E2....which will make it super hard to get an erection. Similar to the effect of drinking too much alcohol then taking a girl home.
Yo Onk, thanks for taking the time to kick out the full break down and solid advice! I will be passing all of that along to my boy, thank you from both of us!! :)
Yo Onk, thanks for taking the time to kick out the full break down and solid advice! I will be passing all of that along to my boy, thank you from both of us!! :)

You can thank us with Pics. Especially me for writing that FAQs thread. We love pics. :-)