

New member
So whats up with clomid? This is anti-estrogen for after the cycle? Is this black market? doesnt sound like something that would be....But im new at this game.Educate me.
clomid..prescription use: fertility drug for women.

use for bodybuilding: mild anti-estrogen (very very very mild---better off using nolvadex and/or arimidex)

used to stimulate Leutinizing hormone to help with testicular atrophy and kick start test production again after heavy androgen/anabolic cycle
oh and its prescription only..not OTC...

however, not a controlled drug. you will not get into deep shit if caught with it.
Here is a good rule of thumb to follow for post cycle clomid therapy...

(300mg day 1, 100mg next 10, 50mg final 10) 36 total pills
Numbnutz11731 said:
You think i should use it.Im only doing Sustanon (sust) byitself 8-10 weeks.think ill need it?

Yes for sure.......the other golden rule of cycling is to NEVER start without all your stuff, including Nolva & Clomid.
I just read where you are starting your cycle tonight.....I think you better hold off till you know exactly what you are doing. These are not questions you ask after you've already started.
Ditto what SC just said. You dont need to start the clomid untill at least 3 weeks after you last Sustanon (sust) shot. But dont even start anything untill all your ducks are in a row. It seems like any time I start a cycle and tell my self that, oh well I can get 'this' or 'that' later on, it never ends up happening.
Numbnutz11731 said:
So whats up with clomid? This is anti-estrogen for after the cycle? Is this black market? doesnt sound like something that would be....But im new at this game.Educate me.

Steroids 101: the stuff SC said....
