cloudy test prop


I made some test prop from synovex today. and for some reason the stuff looks really cloudy I tried heat It cleared it up but it turned cloudy again when it cooled. should I add some more BA? I already have about 3ml of BA in it which it's only a 20ml brew at 100mg/ml
or does it really matter if it's cloudy as long as it's sterile and has been filtered.:confused:
thats a lot of BA. normally anythig over 10% will be painful and you at 15%. if its cloudy just heat it a bit each time before inject. I like heating all i do everytime as it makes it flow better, less pain and less knots on those volumous injects. If you need to go over 10% solvent use BB as main solvent and keep BA at 5% or less. try baking it for 1 hour at 250f and see if that helps. good luck.
I went ahead and said what the hell. and put a half ml more BA and it's crystal clear now.
but you know at 15% it's never been painful
guess me and my bro got good tolerance. and never had a complaint about it hmmm? I'll start reducing it just in case though. I probly wont do anymore TP though I'm hooked on fina Good gain and Rock hard effect on muscles awsome!
chatbear said:
I went ahead and said what the hell. and put a half ml more BA and it's crystal clear now.
but you know at 15% it's never been painful
guess me and my bro got good tolerance. and never had a complaint about it hmmm? I'll start reducing it just in case though. I probly wont do anymore TP though I'm hooked on fina Good gain and Rock hard effect on muscles awsome!

thats 17.5% BA. what you guys drinking up there? go marines!! tren is a wonder drug. can bulk or cut with it. tren/test stack is unbeatable. If it where me i woudnt drop the test as the 19nors have a habit of shuttin you little man down. the test will make him happy. :D :D good luck bro. you in alaska or alabama?
yeah, I started the tren/test stack on this cycle. well I started the test half-way through my tren cycle, when somebody told me what finadick was.
I'll try using more BB.
yeah I started heating before injections recently too. wow what a diffrence it makes
