Clueless guy looking for help & advice


New member
Hi all hopefully i will make sense of what im looking for before i start to ramble on but, please take note i am highly uneducated on anything sterioud related hence why i have ended up here!

Im 25 and healthy, no health issues and consider myself to be fit

I started training seriously 14months ago and have gone from 58kg to 69kg and currently coming to and end of a "bulking diet", i like what i see from when i started to where i am now but would still consider myself to be skinny, although there is muscle and tone there. I have a very bad pallete for food and dieting has been a real struggle and my last and final goal is to get to 75kg and stay there and look good.

Im not looking for an easy way to achieve my goals but make them a little more realistic (in time for summer of course ;)) having been told about ANAVAR and doing a 4-6week cycle i am wondering what effects this will have on not only my growth but my health, mood and my skin, skin being a very touchy subject for me having since training i have outbreaks of pimples on my back and shoulders and don't like the look of some of the guys i see in the gym would rather stay away and stay where i am than have the scaring they have etc. Was also told about clenbutral? and using this as well.

any advice would be appreciated as i said i am completely uneducated, would rather not have friends know, and in all honesty very precautions when it comes to taking anything

thanks in advance and any questions back fire away
Unless your female, oral only cycles are a no go. Go read the stickys and educate yourself. Learn how to spell "steroids".. You gotta do something with your diet otherwise your just wasting your time...
Click on 'Anabolic Steroid forum' - and then find the stickies that address newbie information, cycling for beginners and anythign else relevant.

All the information you require for first cycles can be found there.

tbonexl is right though - if you are male, DO NOT run an 'oral only' cycle.

Everything you said in your OP screams negativity -so with that in mind, I suggest you find the answers you are looking for through diet education and training.

AAS are not for you.
Welcome! You have come to the right place to learn. Time to hunker down and start reading. Start where Ben advised you. Then come back to this thread and ask your followup questions.
Definitively read the stickies

You didn't say how tall you are but 75kg is very light and easily achievable naturally, even in fairly shredded condition. There's no drug that can replace a great diet and hard work. AAS only helps you get to a point above and beyond what your body can do naturally. Your goals can be achieved without AAS or any supplements for that matter.

Great diet and hard work always pays off.
With your weight, I'd stay away from clen.

Orals, as stated above, are not to be used alone. You'll shut off your natural production of test and feel like crap only to gain some pounds which you'll lose shortly after getting off the cycle.