Coconut water ?


New member
Just came back from shopping and picked up 4 cans of coconut water.

I hear it's good for PW recovery. Truth is that I really don't know much about it. I'm just wondering if anyone has experience with it.

330 ml
130 cals
1.5g of fat
55 mg sodium
29g carbs
26g sugar
20% Vitamine C
posted by joe defranco "the pro maker" This guy knows his stuff

i have to give my friend and colleague, Jason Ferruggia, credit for this one. Although I had read a little bit about coconut water, I never really thought much about it. But, around a year ago, Jason emailed me and he was raving about the hydrating and “anti-cramping” effects that coconut water was having on him, as well as his clients. After hearing from Jason, I decided to do more research and experiment with some of my best athletes. The rest, as they say, is history…
As far as I’m concerned, coconut water should be the new “Gatorade” to this generation of athletes. It just may be nature’s most perfect, natural “sports drink”. It is PACKED with the five essential electrolytes. In fact, it provides about 15 times the amount of electrolytes as the “leading” sports drinks; it even has more potassium than a banana! It also has lower acidity (4.8pH) than all other “sports” drinks and most juices. (Low “acid” levels are imperative for all athletes looking to improve their endurance and cut down on inflammation in their body.)
Throw in the fact that it doesn’t have any artificial sweeteners or added sugar and – if you ask me – that’s one helluva workout drink! Please note that, although I’m calling coconut water a “workout drink”, it is not a “supplement”, so it doesn’t have to be “cycled”. I would categorize coconut water as a “foundational” drink that can remain as a steady part of your diet throughout the year.

You may also be interested in knowing that the first two “guinea pigs” that I really pushed coconut water on (last year), still drink it to this day…and they swear by it! These two athletes drank coconut water (instead of the “leading” sports drink) throughout training camp last summer. Both of them reported back to me daily and told me that they felt hydrated and didn’t cramp at all during two-a-days in the brutal heat of training camp. Both of these athletes continued to use coconut water during practices and games throughout the football season with great success. Although I don’t want to “expose” these two athletes because they aren’t getting paid to promote this product (although I think they should), I will tell you that they both were drafted in the 1st round of this year’s NFL Draft J

The secret is out…if you’re a serious athlete; replacing your current sports drink (aka, sugar water) with coconut water just may be the best thing you can do this summer!

Coconut water is now readily available at most supermarkets, so there’s no excuse!
check the sugar content on it ... some have up to 15 grams of sugar per serving

Yeah, get the real stuff, with no sugar added, and it's great. Loaded with electrolytes and pH neutral as I recall. And, if taken directly from a coconut, it's sterile as well.

IIRC, soldiers with severe dehydration were hooked up directly to coconuts by iv in the south pacific during WWII.
Yeah, get the real stuff, with no sugar added, and it's great. Loaded with electrolytes and pH neutral as I recall. And, if taken directly from a coconut, it's sterile as well.

IIRC, soldiers with severe dehydration were hooked up directly to coconuts by iv in the south pacific during WWII.

great post there,
its a superfood imo... has hydrating properties that puts gatorade to shame.. i have 1 every other day..

the problem with most coconut water is that its packed full of preservatives.. its hard (and expensive) to find good shit
I looove coconut water, nothing like drinking it straight from the coconut during the hot summer days.. Our backyard is full of coconut palm trees, so we have plenty.
I looove coconut water, nothing like drinking it straight from the coconut during the hot summer days.. Our backyard is full of coconut palm trees, so we have plenty.

very nice, I am liking the way this stuff sounds will go and buy
the serves these as drinks in Jamaica and i remember them making me feel great. Seem to remember the taste being kind of blah, but maybe I'm wrong.

interesting read though.
the serves these as drinks in Jamaica and i remember them making me feel great. Seem to remember the taste being kind of blah, but maybe I'm wrong.

interesting read though.

That's pretty accurate, tastes ok but nothing great. A little pineapple juice and rum added to that sure sounds good :-)
That's pretty accurate, tastes ok but nothing great. A little pineapple juice and rum added to that sure sounds good :-)

thats more like it. only 17 more days...

besides, i don't do 'brutal two a day' workouts so can i stick to Powerade?
Unless you're an athlete, you don't need it. I've used it to rehydrate after cutting weight and when I was training 25-30 hours a week for MMA, but don't use it when just lifting and doing some cardio.
its a superfood imo... has hydrating properties that puts gatorade to shame.. i have 1 every other day..

the problem with most coconut water is that its packed full of preservatives.. its hard (and expensive) to find good shit

You're right about that. These ones I have costs $2 per can and it's the only one I could find. Seems I have the one with added sugar too so I'm a little bit let down now.

I'm going to give them a go none the less.
If you can't find coconut water canned, just buy the whole coconut. Not only is the water good for ya, but the meat is high in fiber and MCTs too. And that way, you're getting the unprocessed product.
If you can't find coconut water canned, just buy the whole coconut. Not only is the water good for ya, but the meat is high in fiber and MCTs too. And that way, you're getting the unprocessed product.

I've never found more than an oz of water in one of those coconuts.

By the time I crack that sucker open the water goes everywhere... ha!