combo question t4 hgh

is t4 good for fat loss?? and would 2iu a day for 6mo produse good results with hgh???

Your looking for short cuts again LMFAO T-3 not t-4 in my opinion and HGH would have to amplify that!!!!!!!! BE VERY AWARE abuse of T3 or T4 can fuck u up big time!!!!! That no joke U should think long and hard about this one! It has its place but educate your self before doing this. Bro fix the problem we have spoke about be for u do this!
Your looking for short cuts again LMFAO T-3 not t-4 in my opinion and HGH would have to amplify that!!!!!!!! BE VERY AWARE abuse of T3 or T4 can fuck u up big time!!!!! That no joke U should think long and hard about this one! It has its place but educate your self before doing this. Bro fix the problem we have spoke about be for u do this!

thanks gonna get that diet in check and keep asking questions my freind but for sure diet first bro
thanks gonna get that diet in check and keep asking questions my freind but for sure diet first bro

I',m all about asking questions! Thats the best avenue! Honestly I want you to succeed! With out waisting your hard earned money on some thing before it will be utilized properly! You mentioned your biggest problem all on your own. I promise you once that is solved you will see results! Just trying to help u the correct way!
Ive read t3 and t4 shouldnt be used longer than 6 weeks.. tapering up and tapering down.

Worked for me with 2iu of GH and 4iu of GH 20 week total. 2iu 10 4iu 10 (3 kits)