"Comeback" Cycle feedback


New member
I am coming back from a 10 month layoff. Prior to the layoff I was a consistent bodybuilder from 1990 - 1992 with a 10 year layoff coming back in 2003 and training consistently from '03 - '08. Since '09 until present I must have about 1 year or so of training time under my belt. I have 6 years of "on cycle" time under my belt as well.

I am making a come back (started May 1) and trying to use May to get through the soreness, shed a few pounds, get re acquainted with dieting and re programming myself to get to the gym everyday. After 4 or 5 weeks I will have completed the above concerns and will be getting back on a cycle in order to rebuild my mass and define that mass as well.

With that said, here is my proposed cycle (any feedback would be greatly appreciated):

Week 1-6
Deca 300mg /eod
Sustanon 350mg /eod
Boldeone 200mg /eod
Anavar 50mg/ed
Arimidex .5mg/ed

Week 7-12
Deca 300mg /eod
Winny 50mg /ed
Anavar 50mg /ed
Masteron 400mg /per week
Arimidex .5mg ed

I was thinking that the first 6 weeks I can put on some bulk but the bulk will be hard and dense. Then weeks 7-12, my bulk will continue but at a slower rate than weeks 1-6 with weeks 7-12 weeks adding more to the density and vascularity.

The Deca and Sustanon would be my main bulking gear (during the first 6 weeks) and with the Boldeone adding in the density. After 6 weeks I would keep the Deca (more continued bulk) but remove the Sustanon (to limit additional bulk and replace the density being lost of finishing off the Boldeone) but add in the Masteron and Winstrol (winny) to finish off the muscle hardness and vascularity.

Please let me know what you think. This cycle was put together to not only prevent side effects such as water and gyno but was put in to provide me a better balance of quality muscle for mass instead of just more weight.

I am typically anti deca and sustanon but I am looking for very noticeable, good quality muscle mass and not water weight which would be a culprit of dbol. I prefer deca and sus over dbol and anadrol. The sides from dbol and anadrol in terms of water and liver function (as well as the ability to gain too much mass) are why they haven't been chosen.

When I research other cycle posts I always read or hear people talk about either cycling for mass or cycling for cutting up. I have yet to see any info on cycling to balance both goals. I feel that this cycle will achieve both goals.

I prefer 30 pounds of hard quality muscle than 50 pounds of just weight. While 50 pounds of weight may sound like a good goal I think the total swing in body weight (pounds gains vs. pounds lost) will be greater with this cycle, i.e., 30lbs. gained / 30lbs. lost which would equate to a greater poundage swing.

Thanks for your feedback.
You gotta run EQ for at least10-12 weeks before you see results. Otherwise it's a waste of money. Deca should be run the same time. And if you ask me, 350. Mg of sustenon is a bit too much. A g. A week is about all anyone could ever need. And I don't know about running anavar through the entire cycle, save it for the last 6-8 weeks. My friend, before starting this cycle I would suggest you get bloodwork done, and throughout the cycle.
Goddamn, wher do I begin. 300mg/deca EOD? Serious? Hope you don't like to fuck at all. Where is the prolactin inhibitors? You have a good idea but I think you need to rethink your overdosed cycle brother, it's bad as hell on the body.
600mg deca a week
700mg Sustanon (sust) a week should

That should be max, I wouldn't go higher than that
Hello Croation. Thanks for your input man. I am totally on the same page about the Deca in terms of sexual sides. Deca really isn't one of my favs for that exact reason and why I haven't ran it in such a long time. I guess I will need to throw in some HCG. As far as your suggestions about the EQ and Var. I will adjust the cycle to allow for the EQ to run for 12 weeks and eliminate the Anavar (var) during the first 6.

As far as dosages, I do believe that they are a bit high. I will look into extending the cycle a couple of weeks in order to bring down the dosages. As far as inhibitors, what do you suggest? I typically run Arimidex during and Nolva/Clomid/HCG after.

Really good insight you provided. Thanks.
Hello Croation. Thanks for your input man. I am totally on the same page about the Deca in terms of sexual sides. Deca really isn't one of my favs for that exact reason and why I haven't ran it in such a long time. I guess I will need to throw in some HCG. As far as your suggestions about the EQ and Var. I will adjust the cycle to allow for the EQ to run for 12 weeks and eliminate the Anavar (var) during the first 6.

As far as dosages, I do believe that they are a bit high. I will look into extending the cycle a couple of weeks in order to bring down the dosages. As far as inhibitors, what do you suggest? I typically run Arimidex during and Nolva/Clomid/HCG after.

Really good insight you provided. Thanks.

Yes arimadex .25 EOD is plenty if you're under 1g/ week for test. Especially if you run proviron 50mg ED with that. Proviron also helps free up bound test into free test making your dose even more effective , and a rock hard wiener even on deca. The way I look at it, if you spend the money on a cycle, spend it on ancillaries too. Some people will disagree about running EQ and deca at the same time, but I find it to work fine. EQ makes your appetite go up and that is crucial on a calorie- dependent cycle. It looks like your post cycle therapy (pct) is on point but remember, don't start the nolva/clomid for 2-3 weeks after your last injections of Sustanon (sust), deca, and EQ. Use 5000ui Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) before you start post cycle therapy (pct) and get your HPGA going again. Kick your nuts into gear. Good luck bro.
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Thanks again Croation. I have some experience with Proviron but I have never ran Arimidex and Proviron at the same time as I keep reading that they serve the same purpose with the exception that Privoron is much cheaper and provides a big libido boost.

You mentioned that I shouldn't run Deca and Boldeone at the same time. Could you explain why you suggested that? The reason for adding it in was to give my muscles some additional hardness and vascularity. While that hardness and vascularity is very important to me (even during weeks 1 - 6) if you could give me some insight into the no deca and eq statement that would be very helpful.

You have made excellent sense up until now so I am very curious to hear about deca/eq. Maybe I should be supplementing masteron with that eq for weeks 1 - 6? I don't know. Another reason for adding in eq in the beginning for density/vascularity is because I have extensive experience with eq and know what to expect. Replacing eq with masteron during the second half is because I know masteron is a nice "finisher" and the second half is where I want to do the most cutting. In addition, I have never tried masteron and wanted to give it a shot.
Thanks again Croation. I have some experience with Proviron but I have never ran Arimidex and Proviron at the same time as I keep reading that they serve the same purpose with the exception that Privoron is much cheaper and provides a big libido boost.

You mentioned that I shouldn't run Deca and Boldeone at the same time. Could you explain why you suggested that? The reason for adding it in was to give my muscles some additional hardness and vascularity. While that hardness and vascularity is very important to me (even during weeks 1 - 6) if you could give me some insight into the no deca and eq statement that would be very helpful.

You have made excellent sense up until now so I am very curious to hear about deca/eq. Maybe I should be supplementing masteron with that eq for weeks 1 - 6? I don't know. Another reason for adding in eq in the beginning for density/vascularity is because I have extensive experience with eq and know what to expect. Replacing eq with masteron during the second half is because I know masteron is a nice "finisher" and the second half is where I want to do the most cutting. In addition, I have never tried masteron and wanted to give it a shot.

I actually said it is a good idea to run EQ and Deca because EQ increases appetite, and deca/test is a very calorie dependent cycle. I'm doing it now myself. I just said most people will argue against that logic. As the proviron/arimadex deal, it's not the same thing, proviron works on prolactins and increases test by freeing up bound test, while arimadex is an aromatase inhibitor, proventing conversion of testosterone into estrogen. Arimadex will not help with deca. Proviron also may prevent the affinity of testosterone aromatizing. I hope this helps you bro, I did a similar one and got big, kept my boner, my nuts were normal, no bitch tits, and I had a wonderful return with post cycle therapy (pct). good luck bro!
Thanks man. I appreciate the insight. Proviron is certainly going in. I am a big believer in doing whatever is needed to enhance the cycle and I will be taking your suggestions to enhance the cycle (adding in Pro and lowering the deca/sus). These suggestions are certainly no brainers as they will lower any associated risks from the cycle. This cycle will be my largest yet. Big reason for wanting to get it reviewed was because I felt I was a bit too high on the mgs and not high enough on the ancillaries. You certainly helped big time. I would have never stacked Pro/Arimidex based on what I know about the two but always wanted too. I just felt it would have been a waste because my understanding was that both compounds dealt with the same issues (estrogen). I appreciate the time you took to review this. Thanks again bro.