Coming from a Drug Addict: Jack3d is the Strongest PWO Supplement IMO


New member
Important note* Recovering drug addict +2 years now. Everything from oxys to glass to dope. Stimulants were my go-to.
Health note** I'm not a medical professional -- I'm a highly opinionated gym-rat professional blogger and anything I say, write or type is for entertainment purposes only.

I've tried 'em all.

No pre-workout supplement does what Jack3d has done for me. The kick is amazing, the flavor is bearable long-term and the pumps are incredible.

I'm not talking about the new pussy Jack3d; no, I'm talking about the old school shit with 1-3 DMAA in it.

If I had to compare it to any drug, it's like doing half a line of coke and extending the high for +1 hour.

1-3 DMAA is addicting and you can quote me on that. As long as you don't get hooked and can stop whenever, I suggest you grab some old school Jack3d online.

This is my experience and my opinion only.

What's the strongest pre-workout you've taken?​

Yes -- ephedrine and other stimulants count.
Yeah the old jack3d was the shit. Only thing better for me is a little tbol and tren ;) if it wasnt for them, id still be taking the jack3d
Cyanostane outdid Jack3d when I ran a cycle.

Now it's back to good 'ol stimulants to get going in the gym.

The old Jack3d will live on forever.
PNI prodigy gives me intense energy similar to 1,3 supps. PNI Prodigy (25 Servings)
I also found phenadrine to be more potent than og jack3d Orbit Nutrition - Buy APS Phenadrine Cheap!

Phenadrine looks promising - do you know how much caffeine and/or DMAA there is?

Proprietary blends are always difficult to figure out IMO.
How longs it take to feel the kick from suspension? Also if your into it OP, mdma makes for kickass yoga sessions lol
Jack3d was amazing same with the old oxyelite pro I stocked up in that shit can be addictive though when I have a break off it I feel like crap for a week or so, first batches of craze were soo good aswell.
LOL jack3d is pretty good I agree. I like N2amp as well.

What's in N2amp?

Test suspension > jack3d


How longs it take to feel the kick from suspension? Also if your into it OP, mdma makes for kickass yoga sessions lol

Nah sober now my man. Had my fair share of E man.

Jack3d was amazing same with the old oxyelite pro I stocked up in that shit can be addictive though when I have a break off it I feel like crap for a week or so, first batches of craze were soo good aswell.

Agreed -- just took a week off and back on now, feels amazing.
---Did you really just suggest "mdma" to a recovering drug addict ????????

Any Mods : I know we need new members and all, but can't we ban idiots like this right off the bat????

Just what I was thinking. Probably didn't read my entire OP post. Fucking idiot.

Appreciate you pointing this out, chief.
---Did you really just suggest "mdma" to a recovering drug addict ????????

Any Mods : I know we need new members and all, but can't we ban idiots like this right off the bat????

not trying to play devil's advocate but anabolics have just as potent effect on addiictive behaviors as does amphetamines, look it up...