I have researched and researched and researched on fat loss supplements until I can't do it anymore. It seems as those everyone has a different opinion or view on which supplements work the best. I have come to the conclusion to give an ECY stack a try, but sill have some answered questions. Ephedra, Ephedrene, Ephedrene HCL...... we have here three names. I know Ephedrene HCL is different, but what about the other two? Are they the same thing? Depending on your answer which is the best fat burner? And which can I count on to be the safest as far as side effects go? I found several different products from Pure Ephedrene, Stacker 2, 3, and Vaso Pro. Of these and others you are familiar with what is recommended and why? (Hopefully based on prior use and knowledge) Do I have to use the CY to complete the stack or would caffeine be the only necessary add-on? Is the ECY stack the safest supplement stack I can use or would say Vaso Pro and Dymatize Dymaburn work more effectively? I just can't seem to find complete answers to these questions, and I really want to add this on to my workouts. Please help!!