Considering IGF-1 LR3 to bridge


New member
Hey guys. So yeah I did a Test HGH cycle this summer with AWESOME results, the best cycle I have ever done by far then during my PCT I had a parasite which made me lose a ton of weight really fast so I was going crazy. I started pinning test again right when my PCT ended which I know is dumb.. Anyway now I'm trying to come off again after 9-10 weeks of just test and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a hard time getting back my natty test, if I do completely.. so I really wanted to at least bridge with something for a couple weeks.
The HGH was really good to me but the thing is it seems like I got some indesirable sides from it.. I'm sur some of it is in my head but I think my forehad and chin have gotten bigger from the HGH use so I'm not sure I wanna do that again.. I found out the source I had been using also sells IGF-1 LR3 but I know nothing about it.. Any of you ever used that and had good results? Any sides I should be aware of? Thanks in advance!